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Check Six

Saving mission description in log

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OK, call me stupid, but I have seen some screenshots of pilot's logs that have extensive descriptions of the events of that flight, but as far as I could tell, all of those involved a claim either being logged or confirmed.


(HEY! "call me stupid" is just a saying, OK...you can STOP now!) :blink:


So for the first time, I attempted to write out a mission description in my pilot's log, but it didn't appear the next time I went to write a log of my next flight. I was surprised to find I could write directly on my log. I thought all these descriptions were taken from a claim form.


How do I save the text of a sortie "log"? :dntknw:

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Check Six - you can't write a log like a diary of flights. All you can write is the claims form.

That will be shown, when you click on "view claims" at the bottom of the log.

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I guess I was right. All those "narratives" must have been written in the claims forms. I had a brain fart, and thought I'd try to type directly into the log, and it worked. But it wasn't saved. Pity. That would be nice. Devs...any chance of this happening in some future phase?


I'd really like to record a log of all flights, uneventful, heavy combat, lone wolf...whatever. I have started writing stuff down, and thought I might produce a pilot's log for all my chaps.

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Steve, you might do it the "unofficial" way.

In your games folder, you could go to "campaigns" > "canmpaign data" > "pilots"

There you find 3 files for each pilot. You could look into them to see what the log is (I think it's

even called "pilot log"); and then add a text for each flight. Not sure if it works - best you try it

with a "Test Pilot". And careful - the pilot number must not be identical with the number under

the photo or down in the pilot number slot; cause you may have "retired" someone amidst them,

and so all gets changed. You can identify them by looking into the claims file.

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I usually write a little description in the Claims Report

It doesn't appear immdiately in the log though

Only if the claims are accepted does it show lower down, referencing Flight date, time, etc.

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