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Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-wing open crate

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That's unbelieveable, but I haven't been in there, to be honest.

I visited the outdoor part of the museum, where they have lots of old jet fighters

mainly from Russia and the DDR (best object to me: the HIND helicopter),

but didn't know, what they have inside.

Will have to go there, definitely!



If anyone else wants to have a look: http://www.luftwaffenmuseum.de/

Edited by Olham

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Could you fight Bebes in the kite successfully, Jim?


You can.

I'm flying EIII's with Jasta 17 in Vosges in 10/1916 and about all I see are N11's, 16's and 17's. But I use the tactics suggested earlier. I try to get as much altitude as possible so I'm not jumped from above. When I spot enemy formations I only order the attack if we outnumber the enemy or am high enough that after we make a pass, we have a chance of getting away if it turns bad. I only attacked with even odds one time because I saw two comerades below me getting attacked. This caused the enemy to concentrate on them while I kept maneuvering and firing at any that were on their tails. I managed to shoot down one and when I saw both my comerades go down, I scompered off. One on one against the AI, you stand a chance, but never when outnumbered.


The visibility is good, but that large wing blocks a lot of the downward view causing you to bank to see what's below which makes spotting enemies below more difficult.


Earlier with Eindekkers would be more fun when we get more early planes like Caudrons and Farmans, etc. Then we can enjoy some of the Fokker Scourge instead of the Fokker durge.

Edited by Mr. Lucky

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I have detail photos of both the D.I and D.III replicas in the Luftwaffemuseum available, if anyone wants to make a digital version.

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Mr. Lucky, I really admire pilots, who dare to fly the Eindecker in campaign!

And you seem to have survived many meetings with Nupes? N 17 even?!?


Stickshaker, please show the pictures!

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Stickshaker- Just as an FYI...if I am not mistaken, about a "1,000" years ago in Red Baron, I believe someone made a model of the Junkers D.I for a modded version of that sim. Could have been "Revenge of the Jastas" by Von Helton.


Perhaps it is still available over at "Wings Of Honor" repository for d/l and or perusal.




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Thanks, cptroyce, indeed I tried it in the past. But the level of fidelity did not seem very high to me, perhaps due to RB3D limitation. The cockpit did not look like the illustrations I have. There have been D.Is for CFS2 and FS2000, but regrettably no recent ones.

Olham, the pictures are too big to post here. If you want I can send you a CD if you give me an address to send it to.

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"When the news passed around the mess that the Rittmeister was dead,they charged their glasses to drink a toast to him, but Mick Mannock(who had been interned by the Turks when the war broke out) refused,and said "Sizzle Sizzle WONK! I hope he burned ALL THE WAY DOWN!". ButI really think Mick's hatred was not the norm."


Probably worth bearing in mind that Mannock had been badly treated as an internee of the Central Powers. Probably wouldn't have endeared Germany, Austria or Turkey to him.

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