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Hotfix 1.32b is almost ready

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Hotfix 1.32b is in testing now and includes:




1) Lower density tree clusters when lower density scenery is selected in workshops


2) Reduced Rate of Fire of AA guns - 'RoF' was too high when battles are on the go.




1) Improved Observation Balloon damage model and effect.


This patch will supercede and replace the 1.32a hotfix.

There will only ever be one hotfix patch to add on to the Super Patch


ETA - unknown but soon.



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Hotfix 1.32b is in testing now and includes:




1) Lower density tree clusters when lower density scenery is selected in workshops


2) Reduced Rate of Fire of AA guns - 'RoF' was too high when battles are on the go.




1) Improved Observation Balloon damage model and effect.


This patch will supercede and replace the 1.32a hotfix.

There will only ever be one hotfix patch to add on to the Super Patch


ETA - unknown but soon.




OOH Mark!


You said "RoF"!

OOH! I said it too! OOPS!


Seriously, thanks guys for the patches, and it's a great idea to have only one "super patch" and one "hotfix patch" at any one time. I'm still 'coming to grips" with superpatch and 1.32a. Cool. Hopefully, I'll be up to speed by the time she arrives.

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OOH Mark!


You said "RoF"!

OOH! I said it too! OOPS!


Seriously, thanks guys for the patches, and it's a great idea to have only one "super patch" and one "hotfix patch" at any one time. I'm still 'coming to grips" with superpatch and 1.32a. Cool. Hopefully, I'll be up to speed by the time she arrives.



No I said 'RoF' not ROF ooops...


Yeah the system will remain as two patches - SP and Hotfix.





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Wow - you guys are faster than the police allows... :pilotfly:

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Hotfix 1.32b is in testing now and includes:




1) Lower density tree clusters when lower density scenery is selected in workshops (only high density is loaded at the moment irrespective of setting)


2) Reduced Rate of Fire of AA guns - 'RoF' was too high when battles are on the go.


3) Text Colour issue in claim forms (light grey - not clearly visible).


4) Text overlay issue in Pilot Enlistment screen (right hand panel lower).


5) Awarded medals velvet background now displays correctly to hide the photo holder in the debrief screen.




1) Improved Observation Balloon damage model and effect.


This patch will supersede and replace the 1.32a hotfix.

There will only ever be one hotfix patch to add on to the Super Patch


ETA - unknown... but soon.



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The hot fix should be up in about 48 hours all being well.




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Winder, one little thing you may still be able to change:


The wheather report is not "Wetterschriftsatz" in German, but "Wetterbericht".

Also possible: "Wettermeldung"

Edited by Olham

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Winder, one little thing you may still be able to change:


The wheather report is not "Wetterschriftsatz" in German, but "Wetterbericht".

Also possible: "Wettermeldung"


Maybe send us a list of incorrect/corrected German expressions to support and I will fix in the future - its too late now?





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Roger Wilco.



I don't think that's German. :wink:


Patch is now available!


Damn, you guys are fast!!!



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:good: Hello from Berlin, Germany. Super game and nice work. For me this game will be so much better with a german translation and hires damage modells. I also find a little bug in campaign playing. i startet a career with jasta 11. on every take off my comrads crashes in the houses of the nearby village. the only way to pass this is a quick warp.

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Sounds like something is wrong with your CFS3.exe horowae. You use a No-cd exe ? AI does not crash into houses if the game is running properly.

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