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computer specs for OFF

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I'am making this a new post because I cant find an answer in any of the OFF knowledge base posts( I could have missed it) and if it hasn,t been addressed before maybe it could be made a sticky.

What specs should a computer have to run OFF without frying the CPU etc.From what I've read, overheating is a big problem, and for my next computer what do I need short of stealing a Department of Defence mainframe?(jut kidding for any Feds who might read this).

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Welcome Hurricane3!

To the world Between Heaven and Hell! Just click on the Over Flanders Fields Between Heaven and Hell banner just north of your post and you'll find minimum and recommended system requirements and also the Help/FAQ. Also check out the sticky "OFF General Help Topics" also known as "Uncleal's trail of crumbs", here on the forum. The answers to most questions can be found at either of these locations but if you can't find what you're after, just ask. I'm sure someone will have some kind of answer for you.




Edited by Cameljockey

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Welcome Hurricane3!

To the world Between Heaven and Hell! Just click on the Over Flanders Fields Between Heaven and Hell banner just north of your post and you'll find minimum and recommended system requirements and also the Help/FAQ. Also check out the sticky "OFF General Help Topics" also known as "Uncleal's trail of crumbs", here on the forum. The answers to most questions can be found at either of these locations but if you can't find what you're after, just ask. I'm sure someone will have some kind of answer for you.




Thanks Cameljockey,there is much to read and learn in the world of OFF.

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I'am making this a new post because I cant find an answer in any of the OFF knowledge base posts( I could have missed it) and if it hasn,t been addressed before maybe it could be made a sticky.

What specs should a computer have to run OFF without frying the CPU etc.From what I've read, overheating is a big problem, and for my next computer what do I need short of stealing a Department of Defence mainframe?(jut kidding for any Feds who might read this).



OFF is CPU intensive, and will challenge your memory and GPU, as well. As long as you have good cooling, no worries (e.g., I'm using a Zalman 9700 CPU cooler and 5 case fans). I am able to run very resource intensive games like Crysis without problems, but BHaH found the weakest link my system. I was using "overclocking" memory with aggressive timings, and was getting minor graphics anomalies, but they disappeared when I backed off to SPD timings.


Many posters on this board have overclocked CPUs, and don't have any problems as long as they monitor their CPU heat production carefully. Sometimes the minor performance boost isn't worth the effort, though. Keep in mind that overclocking exists because chipmakers' purposely create products with wide variances from specs.


Good luck.

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