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Herr Prop-Wasche


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JSGME Compatible HPWFB Campaign Damage Model Variety Pack for OFF BHaH 1.1


by Herr Prop Wasche, with contributions by Fortiesboy



Changes to 1.1


Mod is now fully compatible with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler. Now, users of JSGME simply need to unzip the mod by right-clicking on the HPWFB_DM_1_1.zip folder and extracting to your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\MODS folder. Follow the JSGME instructions to activate the mod. Users can find JSGME at the following address: http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/...ucts-jsgme.html 2) After activating the mod, be sure to navigate back to the CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\MODS folder and click on the deletebdps.bat program to remove any old bdp files remaining from older DM installs. That's it!


NOTE: Version 1.1 is intended ONLY for users of JSGME. If you are not using JSGME, please download and use version 1.0 of the HPWFB DM!


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File Name: JSGME Compatible HPWFB DM

File Submitter: Herr Prop-Wasche

File Submitted: 16 Aug 2009

File Category: Modding Tools and Add-on Software


JSGME Compatible HPWFB Campaign Damage Model Variety Pack for OFF BHaH 1.1


by Herr Prop Wasche, with contributions by Fortiesboy



Changes to 1.1


Mod is now fully compatible with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler. Now, users of JSGME simply need to unzip the mod by right-clicking on the HPWFB_DM_1_1.zip folder and extracting to your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\MODS folder. Follow the JSGME instructions to activate the mod. Users can find JSGME at the following address: http://www.users.on....ucts-jsgme.html 2) After activating the mod, be sure to navigate back to the CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\MODS folder and click on the deletebdps.bat program to remove any old bdp files remaining from older DM installs. That's it!


NOTE: Version 1.1 is intended ONLY for users of JSGME. If you are not using JSGME, please download and use version 1.0 of the HPWFB DM!


Click here to download this file


This  JSGME I allways used for Battle of Britain2 Wings of Victory. Yep it worked great, if you have a lot of pathes.    

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Evening Gentlemen,


(This little question is asked with the utmost of admiration for the work done on this game by a selection of people who are clearly dedicated and fanatical.)


I have only just started playing OFF BHah this week after 6 months without a joystick, and before that the last real combat flight simming I did was the occasional squirt with Red BaronII/3d with all the WFP or Hells Angel superpatches.


I have installed the 1.32 superpatch and the 1.32g minipatch, and what concerns me is that I can shoot down too many planes - great, except that my shooting should be appalling. I am hitting enemies and damaging them at hundreds of feet, which I can normally never do, and I have enemy planes with wings ripping off, and engines bursting into flames all the time - also very attractive and appealing to my manliness. But I am afraid that it just should not be.


(Enemies set to Veteran, usually.)


Will this damage model solve the problem when it feels to me as if I am missing the enemy's planes and being given a huge amount of credit for the bullets which are most probably missing (perhaps hitboxes too big)?


When you say on the General Information thread that this DM is really 4 in 1, do you select which ones of the four to use, are is it all four go in?


Should I consider using it with Superpatch 1.32 and minpatch 1.32g?


How do I use it in Multiplayer/LAN?


Completely off topic, what is/was SoH which "went down"? I was very disappointed when Delphi Forums Flight Sim forum closed and then was deleted. There was WEEKS of historical and hysterical reading to learn from and be entertained by in that forum.


And another also, where is the "best" flight model discussion? Today I was flying against Nieuport 11 Bebes, and I saw them at the end of a Quick Mission flying little ups and downs, stalling at the tops of their ups, and recovering on their downs, in circles around townships. Very hard to shoot down, though :)


I am really enjoying this game, have got a nice profile for my joystick, etc., but I don't want to be given unnecessarily easily kills, nor do I want to be unnecessarily easily shot down.


Regards and Salute,


Edited by GeorgeBoles

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Oh, here's another question:


Elsewhere I saw that by changing the gun's accuracy in Campaign Manager, it helps solve the problem of kills being too easy.


Does this decrease the guns' accuracy or decrease the hitbox size? To me the first option is not as satisfactory as the second one.


Regards again,


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Oh, back again, Propwash:


What happens now with Hat in the Ring and your Damage Model?



Mark Walsh.



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Welcome to BHaH, George! I'm sure you will find a fun and friendly community here.


Lots of good questions. Let me see if I can answer them, in reverse order:


1. What happens with my DM and Hat in the Ring? Answer: I will have to check once I have downloaded the expansion pack, which I can't do right now because my credit card is screwed up for some reason at the moment. Arrghhhh! However, I assume that it will work fine. All you are doing is replacing one .xml file with another.


2. Gun accuracy: I believe that changing this setting increases the spread of your bullet stream. I don't think it has anything to do with the size of hit boxes. If you have comments or suggestions to OBD about the size of the hit boxes, I would recommend you post in the OFF General Help forum. They are very quick to respond there.


3. My DM: My DM was set up to correct some of the problems with the "hardcore" and "normal" DM that used to exist before patch 1.32g. IMO, "hardcore" was too hard, and "normal" was too easy. With 1.32g, OBD changed direction a little and eliminated the choice between two DM's. The current DM is somewhat of a compromise between the hardcore and normal DM that used to exist. However, I believe they made the wings a little too easy to shoot off with the new DM.


There are actually two versions of my DM. The latest version is a "combined DM" which is a mixture of my DM along with OBD's and the DM of another member, Fortiesboy. Some planes will have my DM, others may have OBD's, and still others may have Fortiesboy's. I made this DM in order to give the player some variety in the types of damage he might see. If you don't like the idea of different planes having different damage models, you can try the previous version of my DM, which gives the same DM to all of the aircraft. This "evens out the score," so to speak, so that no one gets an unfair advantage.


Perhaps you are most interested in whether my DM does anything to the hit boxes of the various airplanes. The short answer is "No." I'm not that skilled at that type of modding, I'm afraid. However, if you want to give it a go, go right ahead!


As far as MP, the best people to ask are Stumpjumper, Axegrinder, and a few others. They have used my DM on occasion without any problem. The main thing you have to be aware of, however, is that everyone who plays a MP mission MUST have the identical aircraft folder, including DM, or it will not work. I think they solve that problem using Teamspeak, where they can talk to each other, live.


As far as "best" DM discussion, you should be able to find that using the search function. Look for topics started either by me or Fortiesboy. Here is the link to one: http://forum.combata...__fromsearch__1 and another http://forum.combata...__fromsearch__1


Good luck!

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