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can somebody help me with some cfg. modding please?

you see, im trying a research for having unlimited fuel on a very popular aircraft, the Talon, for

STRIKE FIGHTERS (GOLD OR PROJECT1 whatever, is the same....), well the problem is that that sucker is HYPERSONIC :blink: and when you put full throttle, it just drinks almost all the fuel in less than 10 minutes!!!, and im looking to do something about it, in fact i tried all on the aircraft cfg.

any ideas????



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Well, at full throttle, engines do that; it's amazing the differential in fuel flow between mil and full AB. If you want unlimited fuel, select "Easy" for Fuel Usage in your Options.


An example of that, with the F-14 by former Tomcat driver "Magic" Quist:

"An interesting thing, also, to ponder. High/medium least amount of gas used per minute loiter/holding type power settings used aoubt 2200 lbs per hour per engine (say around 4400 lbs per hour total) depending on drag configurations. So, once on a "loiter" type holding station saving gas in the F-14, and if refueled to near full internal (16,000 lbs), you could fly around over 3 hours on just that internal fuel. At low altitude near sea level, in full afterburner, those two engines are gobbling fuel at 2000 lbs per MINUTE, so that same 16000 lbs will go away in only 8 minutes... (Not quite that bad at med to high altitude, though, but still, talking minutes to run out of fuel... not hours)."

Edited by Caesar

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  Caesar said:
Well, at full throttle, engines do that; it's amazing the differential in fuel flow between mil and full AB. If you want unlimited fuel, select "Easy" for Fuel Usage in your Options.


An example of that, with the F-14 by former Tomcat driver "Magic" Quist:

"An interesting thing, also, to ponder. High/medium least amount of gas used per minute loiter/holding type power settings used aoubt 2200 lbs per hour per engine (say around 4400 lbs per hour total) depending on drag configurations. So, once on a "loiter" type holding station saving gas in the F-14, and if refueled to near full internal (16,000 lbs), you could fly around over 3 hours on just that internal fuel. At low altitude near sea level, in full afterburner, those two engines are gobbling fuel at 2000 lbs per MINUTE, so that same 16000 lbs will go away in only 8 minutes... (Not quite that bad at med to high altitude, though, but still, talking minutes to run out of fuel... not hours)."


just that? wow.

i really thought that setting the fuel on "easy" would consume the fuel even slower, but i didin't know that it left it unlimited..... :good:

well you know that addon, the "Talon" right?

when you set that to full afterburner, (that it has the power of 30 engines with afterburner) goes hypersonic, by that going like a 1000 kts or more, you can actually see the fuel indicator draining really fast, iand i want to use that hypersonic capability more that once....


well ill try that, thanks anyway...... :biggrin:

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