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new sp2e skyhawks dont work help please

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I'll try and explain this the best I can.


I just downloaded the 2 Skyhawks by james fox for sfp2e. I nstalled them, and they dont work. He says I need lod files from SF2:V Skyhawks.

He suggested for me to buy SF2:V to get them to make these skyhawk mods work. I really dont want to have to buy SF2:V to get these LOD files from 3rdWird Skyhawk from SF2:V.


Is there any way i can get the necessary LOD files? James Fox says with the lod files from later SF2:V Skyhawks these new mods I just downloaded will work. Or I guess I can't use them. Does anybody have the SF2V Skyhawks and could you send the files, or do i just not use these new skyhawk mods



Edited by Wrench
edited to create clairty.

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As stated elsewhere, the LOD files are ONLY avaiable with SF2:V. You now have several choices:


1) save up and get SF2:V or

2) delete these new ones or

3) store these files somewhere's until you've got SF2:V


Now, secondly, what you're asking is considerd piracy -- sharing core game files. That is MAJORLY frowned upon -especially here at CA. A VERY BAD THING. Something that is not even discussed. People have had very bad things happen to them -suspensions, and even banning. So, consider this a warning about file sharing. Don't do it, and don't ask for it, mmmkay? :yes:


And the gods sake, can you PLEASE learn to type? Add some punctuation and paragraphs??? If we can't make out what being asked, we can't help!!! Thank you!! :good:



kevin stein

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sorry ddint know that about the files my mistake i appolize i just downloaded sfp2v. ddint find any lod files fo the skyhawk all they had where config file and file for the skins, where are the lod files in sfp2v and by the way i seen worst tying in here so dont make a issue about with me ok i don type very well i have arthitis in my hands and not to good in eyesight sorry if i offended u i try and do better next time. so where are the load file i just spent 20 bucks to ge them i cant fine them are theyin the files for the skyhawk the skyhawks there i cpuldnt find them and kevin i emaile du a few days ago u never responded thanks for that if u dont want me to type any more i leave here i been a member since 2006 also i heard people ask for filew in here do u warn them thanks for your time so i bought sfp2v and no lod files so tyhe skyhawks from

james fox are worthless i dont wan to ge tbanned i just stating my opinion i get heisa ll the time about my typiing hope understand it get old evertime i type here









1) save up and get SF2:V or

2) delete these new ones or

3) store these files somewhere's until you've got SF2:V


Now, secondly, what you're asking is considerd piracy -- sharing core game files. That is MAJORLY frowned upon -especially here at CA. A VERY BAD THING. Something that is not even discussed. People have had very bad things happen to them -suspensions, and even banning. So, consider this a warning about file sharing. Don't do it, and don't ask for it, mmmkay? :yes:


And the gods sake, can you PLEASE learn to type? Add some punctuation and paragraphs??? If we can't make out what being asked, we can't help!!! Thank you!! :good:



kevin stein

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kevin what iam trying to say is i have 2 skyhawks from james fox ok they wont work in spp2e i need lod files form sfp2v he said that the only way it will work i want o use them in sfp2e is that possible. is so i need the lod files or the planes are worthless ok i dint wan to spend 20 bucks to ge them iam ona fixed income i don thavea lot,of money i just asked i dint realize it was stealing i appolize to u and everbody esle in here i need help and it always about my grammar i just want help i seen worst spelling in here i appolize i wont bother u or any body else any more on the lod issue i gues sit a deaed issue sorry







1) save up and get SF2:V or

2) delete these new ones or

3) store these files somewhere's until you've got SF2:V


Now, secondly, what you're asking is considerd piracy -- sharing core game files. That is MAJORLY frowned upon -especially here at CA. A VERY BAD THING. Something that is not even discussed. People have had very bad things happen to them -suspensions, and even banning. So, consider this a warning about file sharing. Don't do it, and don't ask for it, mmmkay? :yes:


And the gods sake, can you PLEASE learn to type? Add some punctuation and paragraphs??? If we can't make out what being asked, we can't help!!! Thank you!! :good:



kevin stein

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The A-4F and A-4F_74 are located in the ObjectData003 in your Objects folder. You will need to extract the ObjectData003 with the SF2 CatPak utility available in the CombatAce downloads section.

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First off, my apologies for my comments. I wasn't aware of the issues.


No extraction is necessay; if James' main ini is pointing to those lods, the game engine will automatically find them. Just like in the Classic Series, all the stock birds don't have lods in their main folder, either.


So, once SF2V is installed, you should look in the (well, for me in XP),




(don't worry if it says SF2 -- all the goodies are elsewhere, in the /ProgramFiles -- we don't have to touch those main or core files again)

The pathway is similar for Vista -- most definately check the SF2 Knowledge Base up above in the Main Knowledge Base Forum. Just about all the "stuff" is covered.


You open that folder (SF2) and you'll see it's pretty much the same as the Classic or TOS folder set up. You drop the new aircraft folder in the /Aircraft main folder and off you go. Well, pretty much. If there's any custom decals, they'll need to be moved (see the SF2 KB for details)


here's the links to the main SF2 KB -- I disremember exactly WHICH post has all the instructions, but it's there somewheres! I swear it is!!! :wink:





kevin stein


ps: I don't think I got the pm, btw

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But if you already have SF2V, then skyhawks can be played in SF2E when the install is merged.

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