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Helicopter Ho Hum?

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I ve begun building missions for lomac - has anyone else found that helicopters seem to suck as is.


to begin I set up an air to ground mission with 20 t 80,10 bmp 3, and for aa support 2 sa 8, 2 tunguska, and 2 shilka against 3 a10 and 8 ah 64d models. the apaches to begin with flew right over 10 bmp 3 ignoring them completely and were up against 10 of the t80 whos aa assets had all been taken out by a10's by the time they arrived - expecting them to wipe out the tanks in a blaze of hellfires instead they blow up (I m guessing from tank rounds) in short order


Is it just that in missions you really need to micromanage helicopters moving from cover to cover much more? why did none of them set off hellfires which I thought had a 5 km range? as is they kept waltzing into 3 km and below then get blown out of the sky

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The helicopters needs some more micro-management i would think, but i wouldn't know how to go about it.

They seem to have inherited their attack tactics from the fixed-wing aircraft. That is as i understand it not neccesarily so far off, as far as the heavier built russian choppers are concerned, but is definately wrong for the Apaches etc...

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it also turned out to be my own fault : (



-I hadnt assigned the apaches a mission target (ie ground attack) which is why they were merrily flying on to their doom. After changing that it was amazing the difference to the mission

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Yes the choppers are really quite impressive.... I have been doing an old Flanker Campaign that was originally written by USAFHMT with his permission of course :D ...


I don't know if you remember it The Peninsula Isn't Enough, but he had the a Russian invasion happening in mission 4 and had used the Hovercraft to bring in the troops but as you know these boats arn't available in Lomac. So I deceided to use the russian choppers instead and then chose to add the gun ships to protect the invasion force as well as an assortment frigetts and patrol boats.


I was realty cool to actually set up the chopper gun ships with the armnement and designate targets, (a lot of fun ) Well anyway I began to run the mission and Dave had everything in there but the kitchen sink :P and after I put in the choppers that was the kitchen sink and guess what ? It was so much going on there what with airport strikes with 8 wings and CAPS and Escorts along with several GIF's and the invasion itself well when I went to try it out it just froze up solid and crashed my system :D A great idea but too elaborate so I'm tuneing it down and hope to finish it all up soon . This should Rock when I finally finish it!!!



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Welcome to Biohaz Blaze


Sounds good. Be sure to let me know when you finnish the mission. I'll be happy to host it

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