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MiG-23BN & MiG-27 Family WIP

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I just would find it nice to have. for me it always looks a little strange, when the canopy closes at (for example) 20mph. full afterburner and open canopy...

I just like to close my canopy before setting up full power! :grin:

and it geves a little bit more of reality.

But anyway, I can´t wait for this add-ons. they look outstanding!


MiG-23B LOD supports 'manual open method' ID=8, Mig-23BN, MiG-27K,M too, i will update UB S.


P.S. i added some details for BN & 27's





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For MiG-23B:









With this code, everything works fine.

Edited by Epizikl

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For MiG-23B:









With this code, everything works fine.


While you, guys are having so much fun i'm suffering since my computer's mobo got broken and it will take one month to get a replacement, i envy you guys, enjoy for me!!!

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I'm sorry about the broken machine (!).

And I wish rather to correct the situation, to be able to fly again (!).

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1+ :good:


that's a real problem to USN, it would be cool strike or defend it :biggrin:



Actually how about a TU-22M3 ? :biggrin: Now that is an a/c that people are still freakin scared about ! :good::biggrin:

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Hi lindr I have found 2 minor 3D bugs pls take a look at it


the first one can be found on all UB`s and UMs the "wall" behind the first pilot is wrong, you ca nsee trough it from behind but when you look from the front there is a wall! When the canopy on the UBs and UM is open there is a hole behind the second wall and you can look trough the plane



And take a look on the 27 canopy frame, marked on the pic ... nothing bad only found it wanted to share this info with you


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By the way (!)

Who is already using the MiG-27M,K,D from the new release, or earlier models, you can make corrections to the coordinates of the release sleeve gun GSH-6-30A: initially there was a mistake and released the rear liner over the left-wing ...

Here is the corrected coordinates:









LightPosition= 0.00,2.361,-1.144






MaxExtentPosition= 0.13, 2.65,-0.50




Previously, the following coordinates:


Edited by Epizikl

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Hi lindr I have found 2 minor 3D bugs pls take a look at it



And take a look on the 27 canopy frame, marked on the pic ... nothing bad only found it wanted to share this info with you


damn! i fixed 15-20 holes in canopy but missed 1-2, thanks for support...


P.S. i will add more antennas for UB & s too

Edited by lindr2

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updated LOD for MiG-23B (More details)



some new update. {monor details+ fixed shell eject position & gun fire position [data.ini]]}



Edited by lindr2

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Thx lindr2 If you need someone to betatest the 3D stuff pls contact me, I will try to help out! Sometimes 4 eyes see more than 2 ;-)


so far damn good work!

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Blackbird, if you go to page 1 of this thread, you will see a picture of it - MiG-27K.

As per lindr2's post, he has both MiG-27K and M versions covered.

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Found this here

will you model this also?


your pics is mirrored L/R











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i updated MiG-23S & UB to B level (morwe details, canopy with aniomation ID=8, fixed textures for S ect)





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Great news I will release today the early migpilots done by amokfloo, there will be two versions, one with orange and one with green clothes, so you can choose. They fit very good in the early migs like 23 -27 or 25-31


just some nice eyecandy

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