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Aircraft and Weapons Help

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Hey guys, myself, I am more about fun. I have modded weapons (nuclear amraams and alamos, which can blast 10 aircraft out of the sky). I also like to mod the planes. Usually I'll take say, the radar from the F35 and copy paste into the F18, F15, and F22, F16, etc etc. I also like to change their max Gs, thrust output, change how much fuel is used, so that the extra thrust doesnt drain the fuel. Also change max inlet temp so my plane doesnt blow up. I have gone overboard a few times. My F22 can do Mach 5 without afterburner at 16 - 17k meters. However, some planes are very weird, and I am not sure if the makers did some of these things on purpose to prevent tampering with realism.


My Su 35, can do 18000km at sea level, before the front veers forward into the ground. However, it remains unresponsive to the G mods, no matter what I do, increasing max G and increaseing turn speed, it will NOT turn sharper. What can I do to change this so it can.


On the other hand, their are fighters like my F-18, and the F35, and the F15E strike eagle. The F18 and F35 have massive max Gs, not my own doing. I made the max G 4.5 on it, and decreased turn speed BUT it will still do 40 G's. 40!!!!!! Its really annoying at speed and altitude, as since I dont have a joystick, the slightest tap can send it into a 20+ g downward or upward bank. The F18 does this as well, but is easier to control, still, at full bank, it will do 30+G's. Annoying since I applied same formula as F35. It doesnt work. Then the F15. So far have not messed with max G and turn speed, well I have, but I dont think it does what the F18 and F35 do. However, once it exceeds its supposed top speed of mach 2.5 (at any level). It just like the Su35 veers into the ground. I wonder what causes this. The f22 does the same thing, once you pass 2000 kmh at sea level, it becomes very stiff, once you hit 2300, the plane will dont bank downward, then at 2500 it will barely move, once you pass this, the plane starts to bank upwards into the clouds, at 3000, theres no going back unless yur quick.


The F22 also does this at altitude, althouth yeah it can do mach 8- 9 providing it has enough thrust once those kmh get to almost 3 k up she goes.


Does anyone know, what I can do to fix this, I know its overkill, i am just experiment, most planes I like to keep at max speeds from 2.7 - 4.5

It is annoying not to know how to fix these problems. Also, I know how to work the flaps, and they are always retracted when I do top speed :)


Also just a thought, the flaps on the F18 and F35 are automatic, I cannot manually operate them, do you think that at sharp turns (at any speed....... yawn) could cause the plane to have such huge g forces. Also i play on medium difficulty for air sim, easy sucks and hard is too slow paced for me.


Thanks guys, take care.



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No ones done anything you cant change - however changing what you want to how you want requires understanding the actual flight model. Unfortunately its all based on real world physics and the mathematics of flight - because thats the only way you can model this accurately - TK has degrees in this field.


The best you can do is take values from a flight model you like and transfer them over.




Im guessing you are changing the G figure here:







I think this only affects AI flight - anyway AFAIK having an airframe that Pulls more G doesn't really have that much to do with how agile or how fast a jet can turn - that depends on speed, stores, engine thrust (differs with altitude), drag, altitude (air gets thinner),wing loading, Thrust to weight ratio, roll/bank angle etc etc etc .



Things like flaps ets - you should be able to find the relevant sections in the FM


The reason some things might not move at speeds is they may have control limitations on them - again look in the FM


Then when your an expert and have stopped messing around you can start modelling some real planes :ok:

Edited by MigBuster

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