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Went Back To Work Today

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Most may have noticed that I was kind of quiet of late and not very active posting. Well, four weeks ago I had a rather large it turns out hernia repaired in my gut. First two weeks were hell as any kind of movement put the hurt knob to 11 and you can only take so many pain pills. The last couple of weeks were so-so and I got to a zen state of I don't want to do anything.


As stated I went back to work all healed up and no worries of my hernia getting worse. I come in at 0700, the loading dock is jammed with pallets, the new boss had changed a vendors delivery day to Monday without realizing that we would be the first stop at 0645. My supervisor gives me the news that our extra "help" staffer wasn't coming in, car trouble. Ever here of a bus? Then I get the real good news the kid hadn't finished putting away Friday's goods and was going to do them today,sure. (should have gotten that sarcastic font)


That said not working for a month kicked my butt by noon. At lunch I was greeted with " great to have you back,nobody knows what they are doing in the warehouse". I'm looking for nobody. Get back, HR wants me to call them, I guess that having the boss say yes he's here don't count. they want to hear my happy voice. At least the wife picked me up on time today but I forgot to take home my uniforms. Hell, I just might come in wearing a pair of SEAL Team dive shorts, steel toes and a wife beater. I like to go to extremes sometimes.


Well I tired, smelly and hungry and the wife has yet to bring home dinner, this is one day I should have not chewed through the straps.

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I've learned pretty much any day I debate whether or not to go to work...I shouldn't go, because it's guaranteed to be a sucky day. :sad:

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