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Armed Recon of lines

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1 May 1917, Roucort, Flanders. Afternoon hop and armed Recon in DFW CV FA 45B 2d Flight. I used Hugo Von Zepplin as my pilot with Prince Wilhelm as gunner and departed the airdrom with a flight of three DFW s. My bus was the 1st in 2d flight as we joined up the other flight of 4 DFWs ( 1staffel=4 a/c 2 Staffel=3 Total 7 Dfws) as we went up to 6000ft. 1st Flight was joined by the escourt of 4 Albatross D-3 from Jasta 6. My flight of 3 a/c stayed lower ( 5000ft) and one mile behind. As the lead a/c of my flight I could see 5 sopwith pups falling on the lead group as we crossed the lines The persuits from jasta 6 were quick to fend off the attacking pups ( RNAS 9 Sqn). as the dove and circled they left the Bombers (DFW S) thats when 2 N-17 s attacked them from below and behind The lewis and the Spandaus barked at each other. the rear dfw took 5 hits and his wing mate took 6. One N-17 started to smoke and corkscrewed down and into the clouds. !st flight formation became ragged as the N-17 was joined by 2 sopwith pups peppering the bombers. I t was at this conjunction that my flight dropped lower and steered for the target. All was well and good till the bombs were droped on the tommies side of the lines. Then 2 SE5 s winged by along the right side of the a/c Our rear gunner fired off 3 10 rd bursts no hits. Turning and pointing the nose of the aircraft down we excellerated to 150 mph head for home. The SE5s had turned two and were peppering the back two bombers each a/c took hits all the formation rear gunners were firing mine shot off 5 ten Rd bursts gott 5 hits on the 56 sgn SE. as we neared the edge of the airfield, The last DFW in 2 flight was smoking but the e/a were gone. Total score one N-17 crashed One Pup engine fire and crashed. Our losses 1 Albati D-3 and one DWF CV junked from damage THe rest of us had holes.

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You seem to see really good action, and I'd like to ask you again,

where and when you fly?

A recommendation: there is a sticky thread for "Reports from the front" - if you place them

in there, they will remain longer for all to read.

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You seem to see really good action, and I'd like to ask you again,

where and when you fly?

A recommendation: there is a sticky thread for "Reports from the front" - if you place them

in there, they will remain longer for all to read.



Sorry, thought that I did that. I just fly in the campain part of the game starting in Apr 1917 with FA 45 B based in Roucort, Flanders , Flying DFW CV s . Air intensity is set to medium( well, sometimes heavy) Will post in reports from the front. It seems to add to the immersive quality of the game by writing about the flight kinda like a After Action report or a Situation Report. By the way, Whenever I take up an Albatross D-3, I follow your advice and the advice of my fellow forum members. It does seem to work keeping the nose down in turning fights, avoiding target fixsation ect. As for Archie, what can ya do.? The Chaser Aircraft for that Area of the front ( Roucort-Front lines in Flanders) is Jasta 6 flying Albatross D-3 s and some other Jasta flying D-2 s .

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To avoid a Flak hit, you should fly like a drunk walks home.

The guys on the ground then can't fire at spots where you will be next seconds -

cause you will be somewhere else. Worked fine for me so far - no Flak death since a long time.


So you fly from Roucourt. I have a pilot there with Jasta 12, July 1917.

And today, my pilot with Jasta 1, Vivaise, May 1917, had to escort three DFW reconnaisance craft.

Two flight of 4 Nupesm each tried to sneak up on us, but my flight shreddered one of their flights

with no own losses; and flight 1 finished the other. Our DFW returned home safe and sound.

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