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Nick Tselepides

For Navy Chief

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Navy Chief: For your FS2002/04, now you can have two more Tiger Moths I repainted for you with your name on the side, one all red with the insignia of VA-65 Tigers (Intruders) and one light green (with red nose) with the insignia of VA-15 Valions and your name on the side of both aicraft. That should make you happy I bet. I did not bother to change the RAF roundels, but that is ok, as they are fictional anyway. In the "select aircraft" window, the text mentions your name and Air Traffic Control calls out PETE for one a/c and WARD for the other, as call signs. They are lovely to fly and if you press the 'I' on the keyboard you have smoke trailing out, nice to see at the tower view and do aerobatics with. They have no brakes, but you come in to land at 40 mph and do a 3-pointer and they stop....They have great cockpits, 2D and virtual...


Note that if you need practice in landings, they are ideal for 3-pointers and even for slight aerobatics. This is a conspiracy on my part to get you off flying jets for a while.


;) Sending you tons of stuff, by the way. It will take you a year to install what I am sending you.

:unsure: Since you seem to like cars, Bill Lyons has car downloads on his webpage that you can drive in FS2002--they are very nice. They do not have planks from Georgia pine for spoilers, as Jaguars and some Buicks are allergic to wood, though the dashborad in the Jaguar is made of high-quality varnished wood from Scotland. Some of his cars even have a box hitched and trailing behind on 2 wheels, where one can place the wife, under a colorful parasol on a rocking chair. All 20s stuff--the golden age!!! One car in particular has two boxes trailing, the first for the wife, the 2nd for cats and kitties of all types and colors, with an occasional dog here and there to keep intruders away.




All this was just to make you laugh and keep you happy, shipmate...The Tiger Moths are true though. :huh: And you can download cars for FS2002made by Bill Lyons ...

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Thanks Jinks! I am speechless!


A reply email is forthcoming to you, my good friend. Many thanks.


Navy Chief

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