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Wanted: Math/Geometery Gurus

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Alright guys, I'm sorry I've just never been good with math/geometry and my regular knowledgeable resource experts are unavailable right now, so I'm turning to the community for help with some calculations/formulas. I'm trying to determine a formula (based off Pythagorean's Theorem) for calculating displaced center-point object offsets.


For example:


X Offset and Y Offset Coordinates (example: 0,0)

X Offset and Y Offset Distance (example: 38,0) means target center actually sits 38M to the East/Right wherever placed, and therefore has a displaced center-point offset of x=38

Target Width (example: 10)

Target Height (example: 25)


Output Returns:

X1/Y1 = 33.00,12.50

X2/Y2 = 43.00,12.50

X3/Y3 = 43.00,-12.50

X4/Y4 = 33.00,-12.50


This is an easy example! Where things get complicated is when the target object has BOTH an X and Y Offset Value. If anyone has strong mathematical and geometry skills and would be willing to help, please send me a Private Message. Thanks for reading.


Thanks much,


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What do you need help with matey?

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Hi ya, need help figuring out what the end values would be a target offset by both the x/y axis so it properly calcs X1/Y1, X2/Y2, X3/Y3 and X4/Y4. And, I believe the first known variable you would have to determine is what the offset value would be using a point of reference (say placing an object in a 0,0 centerpoint using a 50x50 meter dimension)...

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Using your definitions,


x_0,y_0 = offset coordinates

x_off,y_off = offset distance

w = target width

h = target heigth




X1/Y1 = (x_0+x_off-.5*w),(y_0+y_off+.5*h)

X2/Y2 = (x_0+x_off+.5*w),(y_0+y_off+.5*h)

X3/Y3 = (x_0+x_off+.5*w),(y_0+y_off-.5*h)

X4/Y4 = (x_0+x_off-.5*w),(y_0+y_off-.5*h)


Filling in your example,


x_0,y_0 = 0,0

x_off,y_off = 38,0

w = 10

h = 25




X1/Y1 = (0+38-.5*10),(0+0+.5*25)=33,12.5

X2/Y2 = (0+38+.5*10),(0+0+.5*25)=43,12.5

X3/Y3 = (0+38+.5*10),(0+0-.5*25)=43,-12.5

X4/Y4 = (0+38-.5*10),(0+0-.5*25)=33,-12.5


Now including an y offset distance,


x_0,y_0 = 0,0

x_off,y_off = 38,45

w = 10

h = 25




X1/Y1 = (0+38-.5*10),(0+45+.5*25)=33,57.5

X2/Y2 = (0+38+.5*10),(0+45+.5*25)=43,57.5

X3/Y3 = (0+38+.5*10),(0+45-.5*25)=43,-32.5

X4/Y4 = (0+38-.5*10),(0+45-.5*25)=33,-32.5


Hope this helps.

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