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Just wondering if someone can help out on a quick question I have. With the introduction of the 'mod' folder for the second gen sims I was just wondering if I was to delete this folder would the game return to vanilla. I.e. any mods I have put in myself will be removed and the game will be back as a stock game? If this is true then its alot easier than uninstalling and reinstalling the game.





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Yup that's true, no more re-install required if you "over-mod" the game :ok:

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Yes, you can delete that folder and the game will create deafult set of files there on the next run. Mind, all settings will be reset to defaults as well.

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Yup that's because all vanilla files are still in the .cat files in the main directory.

The game engine uses mod files in mod folder first, if it can't find any, then it returns to the .cat files where all stock info is stored.

Quite convenient if you ask me.

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