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Mystified by why Decal isn't showing up

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I'm uttery baffled as to why my decal isn't show up.


On the danish F-100 skin there's a small flag and number decal just like on the real version of the skin I'm making for the F-16. So I copied the tgas over and stuck them in the /d subdirectory of the skins folder.


decal ini looks like this:





















There was already an entry for the tail so I pointed it to the decal files. It doesn't show up, what does show up strangely in an aircraft number on the fuselage that wasn't showing up before.

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DecalLevel=2 for Numbers.....DecalLevel=0 is for Nation ID such as Igsigna's....

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I noticed that shortly after posting and changed that to 2, still not showing up.


What's really really weird is that the edits for dnrnum (danish finflash with numbers under it) make these decals show:




















When they weren't showing before on the fuselage, but the ones I tried to place aren't showing up on the tail.

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331KillerBee's "Rule of Thumb" when Dealing with Decals....


DecalLevel=0 NationID, Controled by the Number of the Nation in the Nation.INI.


DecalLevel=1 SquadronID, Controled by the Number of the Squadron in the Squadron.INI


DecalLevel=2 Aircraft Number, Controled by the Number.Lst File in the Skin Folder. The Game Engine always starts with "000" no matter what the Actual Number is. Example: If I had Aircraft Nose Numbers from 1 to 5. The first Nose Number .TGA would be Nose Number 000 with a "1" on it.



DecalLevel=3 Kill Number, Self explanitory. Controlled by the Number of Kills in the Pilot's .Plt File in the Pilot Data Folder.

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I see a Difference between these two Entries.....







Is the "SkryStrap" Folder there?

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Yes, thats the folder name for my skin. The decal folder for the decal thats showing up is F-16_Blk10-NDC/d.


But if I put the decals I want to show up in that folder and point to that same folder, neither show up!

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Guest Eject

Hi all. Briefly, I have had same problem wit my modded Su-27SK and Su-27 Soviet for Indon(esia) SKIN. First, second, thirdly i worked, then I attempted to change the part deals with glossinnes, etc. Then, flew the planes. The TNI-AU decals and the name )indoni) GONE! Tried in vain to rollback to first, second and third mod of it. So, I completely deleted the planes. Now downloading again from marcfighter, hopefully, will work fine again Remembe always, COPY first the GOOD working light mod of skins on vaious planes. Tried to emulate the modders did on MiG-29s series for some nations. Still mistyfied....


Btw, the indon skin for Su-27SK China also worked very well in Su-27 Soviet. Give it a try. But mine, told u all above, were gone due to my sillyness for not copyong them first the good mod. Lol me....

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maybe is file path that is now too long, I've encountered that issue many times


rename SkryStrap folder to something shorter (and all related entries...in ini files accordingly)

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