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Frustrating problem with claims in last flight

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I just had an epic flight in my camel in 1917. Myself and two wings engaged a flight of 5 aces from Jasta 18, and one regular airman. My wings got shot to pieces and I fought and shot down all 6 of the attackers. Josef "Seppl" Veltjens, Raven Freiherr Barkenow, Paul Strahle, Rudolf Berthold, Johannes Klein, and the regular airmen. Needless to say I was flipping out after the most exciting fight I have had in a simulation EVER. I made sure to pause and take notes after each kill like I always do and am rarely getting rejected claims.


I entered the very long detailed narrative including the pilot names and claimed it as 5 Alb. DIII(OAW) the aces were flying, and the one Alb. D.V. It told me the claim was erroneous. I tried many different combinations frustrated at this flight not going in correctly. Eventually all it would take was 2 OAW's! I reviewed the flight and it corroborated my notes.


I havent had this problem before and was hoping someone could enlighten me as to what may have happened? Is it a bug of some sort, as my info matched up exactly with the mission review. Here is my narrative, would the ace names cause a problem? Thanks for any input!


Engaged a flight of Alb. DIII (OAW) and Alb. D.V. of Jasta 18 northwest of LaGorgue airfield. I landed several rounds into the first crafts tail, cockpit and wings from close range. The bottom wings came off and the craft spun into the ground, breaking apart on impact. Pilot identified as Josef "Seppl" Veltjens. I landed several rounds into the second crafts tail and cockpit from close range. It began to trail black smoke and crashed into the treetops, breaking apart on impact. Pilot identified as Raven Freiherr Von Barkenow. I landed several rounds into the third crafts tail and wings from very close range. The left wings came off and the craft spun in to its left and hit the ground, breaking apart on impact. Pilot identified as Paul Strahle. I landed several rounds into the fourth crafts tail and cockpit from very close range. The cockpit burst into flames and the engine seperated from the craft. It slammed into the ground, breaking apart on impact. Pilot identified as Rudolf Berthold. I landed several rounds into the crafts tail, wings, and cockpit from very close range. It began to trail black smoke and large pieces of the left wing came off. The craft hit the top of a tree and broke apart on impact. Pilot identified as Johannes Klein


(For the D.V.) - Landed several rounds into the crafts tail and cockpit from very close range, the cockpit burst into flames, the craft rolled over and slammed into the ground, breaking apart on impact.

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I understand that Al and if they were just sent back as rejected I would be OK with that. What I am saying as entering them into the claim form wouldnt even work, when I put the data in immediately after the flight it said "Claims erroneous and will be rejected outright, continue?". They werent erroneous that is the problem, the claim system wouldnt accept it.

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Did the replay state exactly "Leutnant Fliegenhund shot down an Albatros DIII" in all cases?

Cause when a victim goes down, and someone else fires only some rounds into that craft, it may become HIS victory.


Where your wings still with you at the later kills? Cause when they are dead or downed or far away, they can't witness;

and that will mean for those claims: erroneus!

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...and I was'nt in the skies over Flanders! But I can't be everywhere...:vampire:

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I had that happen before too. Shot up two FE2Bs (use abut 400 rds) When logging the claim, it wouldnt redcord untill I down sized to one FE2B ( maybe the other a/c in the flight got a few hits in) then it accepted the form.

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