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Mike Dora

Smoke-Free Aircraft Break-Ups?

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I think that this may be getting into some tiddly fine-tuning, but does anyone know of a way to prevent a smoke trail being generated when an aicraft suffers a major break-up like a wing falling off?


I've noticed a couple of times lately that when over-stressing a Nieuport or Albatros V-strutter and losing a lower wing as a result (I've set the G-limits of V-strutters' lower wings to about 1G lower than the overall G-limit for the aicraft), the aircraft goes down with a trail of smoke as if the engine's been hit. I'd prefer it if a breaking-up aicraft could go down smoke-free, that would further enhance the visuals and the immersion.


Any ideas anyone?



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I think it's not possible, the aircraft smoke effect is hard-code linked with the plane's HEAVY damage status AFAIK.


But yes, it's annoying.


The best solution would be to have random option of choosen effect showing on such condition.

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Actually, there's simpe solution: no smoke effect AT ALL.


Think about it, it's not that bad -you still will have aircraft fire effect, aircraft fuel fire effect, and smoke from damaged engine -quite realistic.


Here's null aircraftsmokeeffect.ini, modified to produce no smoke:

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Hey Stary.


I've only tried it for 15 minutes or so, but I think you've just hit on the perfect solution...You're a genius mate! :clapping:

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Actually, there's simpe solution: no smoke effect AT ALL.


Think about it, it's not that bad -you still will have aircraft fire effect, aircraft fuel fire effect, and smoke from damaged engine -quite realistic.


Here's null aircraftsmokeeffect.ini, modified to produce no smoke:


Thanks Stary,


But even using this I am still getting some smoke when a wing breaks off (and no other damage occurs), as in the attachment. Am I doing something wrong, how do I kill the smoke completely?





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Mike, of course you did replaced the old file with the version from zip, didn't you..?

Using the new aircraftsmokeeffect.ini file I have no smoke when shooting off wings of stressing Nupes or some collisions.


Anyway here's new version, with other aircraft-related fx slightly updated

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Thanks Stary


This time it works!I've no idea what I did wrong last time. Now though the broken V-strutters do go down smoke free.


You are an artist sir - now we have a whole range of visible damage effects instead of just the traditional thick black smoke: engine-on out-of-control (ie pilot shot), engine-off trailing smoke, discreet but ominous fuel leak, blazing fuel fire (shedding bits on the way down), broken airframe out-of-control, all of this adds greatly to the immersion factor.


Thanks to the dedication of people like you, this sim just keeps going from strength to strength.



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Hi Stary.


Just to let you know, the 2nd file you uploaded gives me smoke with a green tint.


The first one's brilliant though, so no worries!


Thanks again.



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By mistake I've included that "green tint smoke" version some of you experience. Just don't use the aircraftsmokeeffect.ini from second upload. Or overwrite it with the first version posted. The other effects are fine AFAIK, they have corrected "particleweight" setting, so you don't have "heavy" flames falling to ground on fuel fire emitter.


Frankly I have too many test versions here to be sure the right one was posted.

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