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Aircraft numbering decal bug, SF2V?

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I've noticed that in ("Load a...") missions (as opposed to "Create a Mission" mode)the aircraft number decals don't appear to be working correctly. Thefirst aircraft in each flight, regardless of type or nationality, showsno number. It is only the second one which does, starting with thenum000.tga decal. Others follow on in order. In "Create a..." mode, allaircraft are correctly numbered, but the numbering does not start fromnum000.tga.


Anyone else getting this? I'm running the updated May 2009 version.

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In SF2E I am having a similar problem with F-15A and F-4E - the 2 letter code on the tail, which indicates the base/squadron does not show up on AI aircraft, unless I am flying one of these 2 types of aircraft...

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NO numbers showing on the AIs is a known problem, and I think it was Gunny Killerbee who suggested re-saving all the files concerned with unicode and capitals...


My problem is that they fail to show only on the lead aircraft of each flight/group.



EDIT: The stock missions are OK; it happens apparently only on missions I've created with KMD. Comparing the missions with notepad hasn't brought me any closer...

Edited by ndicki

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Solved - TK found it. KMD assigns the aircraft number automatically - the default number in KMD is -1




So it shows the first aircraft without a number, secimd aircraft 000, third 001, etc.


Default for TK's mission maker is AircraftNumber=0

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