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Bad files/corrupted data on CF3 Disk

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Well I have tried everything and im still gettting the same error everytime when OFF is trying to read my CFS3 disk. I get the can't read data from disk (Retry, Abort,skip) thing. After 5 tries over a few days and cleaning the disk blah blah blah... I ordered a new CFS3 from go gamer and im am once again waiting to wait to fly this great sim ..... :this:


So I will be a few more days until I can get in the air. I am VERY hopeful to have the new disk before this weekend so I can try a bit on online play sunday. :good:


The waiting is KILLING ME!!!!!

Edited by Firecage

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Well I have tried everything and im still gettting the same error everytime when OFF is trying to read my CFS3 disk. I get the can't read data from disk (Retry, Abort,skip) thing. After 5 tries over a few days and cleaning the disk blah blah blah... I ordered a new CFS3 from go gamer and im am once again waiting to wait to fly this great sim ..... :this:


So I will be a few more days until I can get in the air. I am VERY hopeful to have the new disk before this weekend so I can try a bit on online play sunday. :good:


The waiting is KILLING ME!!!!!



Man that bites a big one Firecage.

Hope the next one works for you.


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Man that bites a big one Firecage.

Hope the next one works for you.



well the good news is I called MS and told what happened. THey took my ID from the disk and sent em a new one for the shipping costs. Now im not a huge MS fan but that rocked. Got the disk today and im installing now. :good:

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Don't feel bad I had to do the same and get a new cd for CFS3, It didn't hurt too bad as it only cost 10 bucks.

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