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I downloaded your Solomons and your Okinawa terrains.

I have your Solomons terrain up and running in my game.

I have to say that it is a wonderful accomplishment.

I have a couple more grnd obs to add,but it is a very "target rich " environment.

Also.you were right about those Japanese ground gunners. I rolled in to strafe an airfield and got hit about 6 times before getting out of there.

I can hardly wait to get the Okinawa terrain going.

A JOB VERY WELL DONE my friend!!! :clapping::yikes:

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If you think the flak is bad in SoWesPac, wait till you get to the Home Islands...may have gone a bit overboard.


It's not so much the 85mm, but them damn triple-cursed dual-25mm auto cannons that kept messing me up!



kevin stein

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