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Who's got a G940?

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Anyone have a G940 yet other than our reviewer? I'm looking for a consensus.


Specifically, my Cougar at 4 yrs old (along with my 15+ yr old RCS) is getting long in the tooth and I don't really want to buy another one just to go thru this again in a few years OR pay extra to mod it.


My 2 choices right now are both $300--the G940, or the CH HOTAS setup (at $100 for each piece).


The G940 has FFB, split throttle, Hall sensors, and is receiving great published reviews.

The CH setup is time-proven (to the extent I wish I'd bought it 4 years ago instead of the Cougar when my FLCS/TQS setup had to be replaced), does NOT have FFB (since FFB can be a pro and a con depending on circumstances), and is enjoyed by thousands of simmers.


I'm just fed up with my Cougar's center play and spiking and throttle rotary issues and I'd like to replace it with one or the other sooner rather than later.

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I have had my CH for over 6 years and they work like I just pulled them out of the box. The G940 seems cool and it's the same price as a CH set-up. One thing I hate about the CH throttle is that it's a slider and not a hump like the cougar/x45 and x52's. The programming is insane with CH, I have a script that I got from Ruggbutt that if I have my airbreak open when I go into AB it close automatically.

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I really dislike programming. My Cougar's files all consist with either ones I've DL'd and slightly altered for my use or converted FLCS/TQS profiles I used before.

Actually, half the commands on my profiles are rarely used. I use the ones that are needed for fighting usually. Things like gear, comms, and fancy avionics commands I usually just do on the keyboard because it's easier to remember them most of the time!


I just want to have an idea which way I should go because I've basically been disappointed with the Cougar almost from the first month I had it and this will have to last me at least another several years!

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