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Another one bites the dust.

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alcoholic.gif Took out my oldest pilot Pep pe La Pew ESC 3. While patroling behind the darkside lines. Uneventful, Made a turn for home flying zig zaging to avoid Archie. Spoted a balloon just to the right of my escape path. What the &^%$ no kills, 1 claim, 41.8 hours flight time. Might as well add the balloon on the way home right? Nope ! Just as soon as the N-11 BeBe steadyed on approach to the hun Balloon wack, zing, crack, and woop Pilot hit plane on fire no elavators, no rudder. Crash. K I A. Should have went straight back. But No Now the Hun archibald can chalk another kill ME.rockon.gif



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Sometimes you'd almost swear those bloody hun bastards were out to win the war. Quite rude if I may say so, what with all the archie, ground fire and enemy aircraft and such they throw at you. I guess you'll just have to have another go at teaching them a lesson on manners. My condolances on your loss. A fine lad, no doubt. Nothing for it now though except to saddle up and give it right back to them. War is hell you know.



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Salute.gif Hellshade: I say quite right. How very rude of the Hun Aniti aircraft to Rain on the Parade. There was no need to get our tails up Revving around like that Wot? Off we go then fore King and Country Pip Pip Cheerio.rofl.gif

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