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O.T. Sir Hugh Dowding was the "Starched Shirt"?

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This is for you familiar with the (quite excellent) book "Wind in the Wires" by Duncan Grinnell-Milne.


Was reading from a post below and followed a link to the BE2c on Wikipedia.


Clicked a few more links (Squadrons using the Be2 (16 Squadron), etc) and, to make a long story short:


Is Sir Hugh Dowding (of WW2 BOB fame) the famous (or perhaps infamous) 16 Squadron CO of DGM's book- the "Starched Shirt"?



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Well, Dowding was CO of No. 16 Sqn. from 1915 until he clashed with Trenchard following the Battle of the Somme and was sent home. Dowding's nickname was 'Stuffy'. Those two things together strongly imply the same bloke. :grin:

Edited by Dej

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Yuppers, I am about 100% sure that Dowding was indeed the "Starched Shirt". Great book, BTW. One of the best of the genre, and one of my personal favs.





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