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i am new to modding and currently working on akash sams recently inducted in indian armed forces.

i have few questions about radar,missile guidance and 3d modeling which i am posting here,if someone can help me reply here,pm me,email me or provide links to websites.previously some people asked me to look the internet but there are certain things which i am unable to find.basically this is because i have limited broadband account so if someone provides to the point solutions,it will be a great help.



my first query is on the rajendra radar,Rajendra is a passive Phased Array Radar developed by the DRDO. It is a multifunction radar, capable of surveillance, tracking and engaging low radar cross section targets. It is the heart of the Akash Surface-to-air missile system and is the primary fire control sensor for an Akash battery.


The Radar consists of a surveillance antenna array with 4000 phase control modules (PCM's) operating in the G/H-Band (4-8 GHz), engagement antenna array with 1000 PCM's operating in the I/J-Band (8-20 GHz), a 16-element IFF array and steering units. A powerful high-end computer computes phases for all the elements of the array. Rajendra controls the beam positioning sequence through beam requests for each track at adaptive data rates and performs multifunctional roles like search –confirm –track -interrogate targets, assign and lock on launchers, and launch/acquire/ track/guide missiles. The RDP supplies track data to remote group control centre. Rajendra features a Dual channel radar receiver and a C band transmitter, although the complete transmitting and receiving features and bands are unknown.

Rajendra radar uses phase shifters integrated in large numbers for electronic beam steering. This allows Rajendra radar to simultaneously track multiple aircraft and also guide multiple missiles towards these targets. The phased array radar rotates 360 degrees on a rotating turnstile at a moderate speed. This allows it to perform 360 degree surveillance. The phased array itself has 45 degree scan limits to either side, giving a total scan coverage of 90 degrees, if the radar array is static.


Rajendra's search range is 80 km against fighter aircraft flying at medium altitude.

Rajendra's tracking range is 60 km against fighter aircraft flying at medium altitude.

The major functions of the Rajendra are:

Surveillance of the assigned volume of space

Acquisition of aircraft targets either independently or handed over from group control centre via the 3-D CAR or from the battery surveillance radar

Tracking of targets (64)

Tracking of assigned targets (up to 4) and missiles (up to 8) during engagement

Command guidance of missiles (up to 8)

Integrated IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) functions


another radar used is , The Central Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR) is a 3D radar developed by DRDO for use with Akash SAM used for long range surveillance.its data is given below.


Medium range 3D surveillance

S band operation

Surveillance Range up to 170km

High altitude deployability

Deployment in less than 20 minutes

150 Targets in TWS

Array of ECCM

Integrated IFF

Capable of detecting low altitude targets, and supersonic aircraft flying at up to Mach 3

Frequency agility and jammer analysis


what i want to know is what is this data in thirdwire terms like,what is its search time ,track time,search strength and track strength.also how to calculate radar cross section.



next is the launcher and missiles,

i've been facing this problem for some days.the missiles on the turret dont move with turret.

second what is the pitch and yaw thing,LookAroundChance and how to calculate them



Finally how to get missile data like accuracy,arming time,missile duration,noise rejection,cm rejection,C.E.P,Max turn rate,

seeker range,seeker track rate,seeker gimble limit,seeker FOV,max turn rate,booster time and acceleration,sustainer

duration etc.




Please dont ask me to use search engines,if you know anything about what i posted above then reply otherwise not.


I also invite Our Skilled and Talented modders or members to be a part of this project.


at last if someone can provide a T-72 or BMP-1 Model it will be very good thing.



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I was about to reply, until I noticed this line in your post: "Please dont ask me to use search engines,if you know anything about what i posted above then reply otherwise not."


That is considered damned rude, in any society or culture. How do you think we arrived at this data? Via osmosis, from having the install disk close by? NO, we used SEARCH ENGINES, both global (google, yahoo, etc.) and proprietary, such as the search engines at this site, the one at Third wire, and at SimHQ.


I will give you the benefit of doubt, and assume (for now) that it's a syntax/translation issue, and not a lack of manners...

Edited by Fubar512

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oh he understands english all right, and he doesnt deserve the benefit of anybody's doubt.

its a distinctive trait of us Indians and Pakistanis, that besides having a poor sense of humour(which even i suffer from at times)

satish, most of the information you seek is based on statistics or projected performance.

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WELL stick is right that was not a error it was written delibrately.


i behaved in this way because somepeople frustrated me that is by not replying to my PMs and posts ,well dont take it seriously




BTW,Fubar thanks for replying ,you named proper search engines,that i was talking about. giving proper guidance.but please,please,please help me with it and dont look at the grammer stuff.


but some things like seeker gimbel limit are not found.




well Stick,i think akash is inducted in the army after the recent trials.so there must be some original data somewhere.




regarding my english,what do you want me to type in 3-4 minutes.


at last i apologise for the last line,but please take care in future about proper replies so that i will not have to do this.





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and yes osmosis is a botanical term.

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There are threads in the knowledge base dealing with frequencies. Frequencies in this series are expressed as Gigahertz (Ghz), or fractions thereof.


Radar Cross Sections (RCS), are calculated off of a models area ratio, and are expressed as multiple or fractions. For example, the MiG-21, instead of having an RCS of "1.0", should instead have one of "0.77", as it's relative RCS is roughly 3/4s of its area ratio. An F-117, has a tiny, fractional ratio, actually smaller than some birds.


Radar track and search strength values are somewhat ambiguous. For example, one of the most powerful radars ever mounted on a fighter, the F-14's AWG-9, has a real-life output of 10.5 Kilowatts. So do we set it's search or track strength to 10.5? Obviously not...as the model would not be able to maintain lock against another model outside of visual range (I tested this to make sure). Only TK can supply an answer to that one, though I suspect that most are over-modeled. Through trial and error, I found that a value of "60.0" allows me to track and lockup bomber-sized targets at 200 km range with an F-14, yet it won't see an F-117 until it's within 20 miles, and will not lock one up until it's visible from the cockpit.

Edited by Fubar512

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There are threads in the knowledge base dealing with frequencies. Frequencies in this series are expressed as Gigahertz (Ghz), or fractions thereof.






in your s-300 systems,you have assigned the search and track strength well above 100 how did you know this.


i know the frequency charts but they dont tell about strength.


i have read that rajendra is similar to flap lid.so if you allow me your data can also be used, just  have to reduce some range.


i made a prototype of rajendra by combining antenna and data of your flaplid on a t-72 chasis.it worked pretty fine.though it was reverse engineered but only for personal use.i will post it only when you approve otherwise i'll make another model and that is a different thing.


i tested your flaplid it is unable to track when we turn on the ecm in a f-18e/f,while the s-300 systems are claimed to be highly ecm resistant.


does it depend on the radar versions lets say you designed a earlier version.i tried a value of 400 and it was good for amodern sam radar,as it was able to search and track even wuth the ecm.


also seeker gimble limit and track rate are nowhere to be seen.what should i do





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A commercially available 9and popular) marine radar-set, has a higher output than the AWG-9 did: http://www.furunousa.com/Furuno/Rooms/DisplayPages/LayoutInitial?ProductCategory=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B55569A8B8619E148AE7923E9133AF845%5D%5D&Product=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B20ED4D72F6BCBE4EA89B42A75F214632%5D%5D&Container=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B10DBCBB62D72944FADA152BF1E2E0373%5D%5D


Yes, 12 KW, for less than 12,000 (including a 6' open area antenna). The issue is not one of output, but of the ability of the unit to discern and discriminate tragets at range. The above-mentioned RADAR is limited to 72 miles, by the curvature of the earth. Its energy reaches much further than that.


One thng that's not modeled in this series, is the reflectivity of different materials. I can attest (with probably over 1000 hours playing with various marine radars), that anything made of wood or fiberglass makes for a notoriously poor radar reflector, while aluminum and steel all but overwhelm a radar, with sharp, bright returns. I once had the opportunity to look at a surfaced 688 class submarine on a radar, and found it to have a smaller signature than a nearby, 10+ meter long party-fishing boat. The sub's rounded hull, and its anechoic tiles, are probably what was responsible for that.

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i know the frequency and bands in which this radar operates,but whats their purpose.




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Well, in RL, the latest F-18 varients have an AESA-based jamming system, that can defeat just about anything at standoff range, and can utilize the full-power of the AESA radar as a jammer.

Edited by Fubar512

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A little o/t but what does the operator see if he was jammed-like noise and fuzz on the screen, or is it similar to a lightning strike-that's wild but just asking?

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but in the game  sams behave differently,


tommorow while i as on a sead mission (i was able to evade all the SA-10s but a single shot by the SA-17 downed me.


while in reality SA-10 has more powerful radar than a grizzly.


on one occasion a scrappy SA-2 downed my F-15E with ecm on.




in your s-300 systems,you have assigned the search and track strength well above 100 how did you know this.


i know the frequency charts but they dont tell about strength.


i have read that rajendra is similar to flap lid.so if you allow me your data can also be used, just  have to reduce some range.


i made a prototype of rajendra by combining antenna and data of your flaplid on a t-72 chasis.it worked pretty fine.though it was reverse engineered but only for personal use.i will post it only when you approve otherwise i'll make another model and that is a different thing.


i tested your flaplid it is unable to track when we turn on the ecm in a f-18e/f,while the s-300 systems are claimed to be highly ecm resistant.


does it depend on the radar versions lets say you designed a earlier version.i tried a value of 400 and it was good for amodern sam radar,as it was able to search and track even wuth the ecm.


also seeker gimble limit and track rate are nowhere to be seen.what should i do





 please tell if the value 400 is correct.


second ,after searching the internet for hours i got some of the data but this seeker data is still a problem,


also there is no term like gimble, its gimbal.please help.



Edited by satish

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400 is probably grossly inaccurate. The person to ask, would probably be TK at ThirdWire, as perhaps he uses some formula to estimate output based on real-world values. then again, it may just all be based on his taking a S.W.A.G at the values.


And the multiple frequencies used by some units (search, track, uplink), should be self-explanatory.


Stick, what a radar operator "sees" on their display, would depend on the type of display, and the jammer used. I'd imagine that it would run the gamut from a subtle distortion, to snow or grass, or just possibly a multitude of false targets, when (in reality) there's only one.

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do you think that your flaplid data will be good for my model ,as rajendra is similar to flaplid.


second,please tell me how to solve the turret problem.


waiting for your reply.



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  On 9/20/2009 at 3:52 PM, Stick said:

A little o/t but what does the operator see if he was jammed-like noise and fuzz on the screen, or is it similar to a lightning strike-that's wild but just asking?


Depending on the flavor of the jam, depends on the color oozing down the screen. :rofl:

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"There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry: Lone Star!"



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hey,please solve my problem.

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i'am talking abot the problems described above.


each day new problems are occurring,now i realised that the game engine is unable to simulate command guidance correctly.


and no one here is gives any solutions.

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