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Peaved at wingmen

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If I lose one more (*&{_@#@ pilot to my dumb*** wingmen ramming me or shoulder shooting I am going to take up a friendly fire situation on them. I have lost 3 of my top pilots due to this. I would almost rather go it solo hunting than have these idiots with me. I have now lost more pilots to them than enemy fire...


Sorry for the rants I love this game but something eeds to happen to get these guys inline.... :blink::this:

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I cannot remember the last time I collided with a wingman. Do as Uncleal suggests or look around bit more or if you don't have TrackIR get that!

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I fly with tight formation and the only collisions I get are during combat ... friendly and enemy, but mostly enemy.

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Yeah in a swirling dogfight all bets are off of course the main concern in a close one is to avoid each other. Play the Credits in OFF and listen to the pilot interviews one mentions this very problem.

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In my experience, wingmen only tend to collide with you or shoot you if 1) you're the flight leader and you go for the same target you told them to attack, and 2) you're not the flight leader so you have no clue what they're doing.


You should ALWAYS be the flight leader, so you can tell your wingmen either to go away or stay behind you. Forget starting at the lowest rank and moving up--you won't live that long. Start all you pilots with the 2nd-highest available rank and pretend you had prior service in a quiet sector beforehand.


Second, regard all your wingmen as expendable. That's what cannonfodder troops are for, after all. Now, from an RPG/immersion POV, I try hard not to lose any wingmen and when I do, it keeps me awake at night in real life. I made it through a real (but short) war without getting any of my troops killed so it really bothers me when a virtual troop buys it. But, at the bottom line, your goal is for your pilot to survive, and if that means sacrificing wingmen, then so be it.


So, always be the leader and if you use TAC, keep the highlight on the wingmen's target so you know which enemy to avoid. The only alternative is to give your wingmen the H or R command, but this makes your flight less effective because only 1 of you (yourself) is attacking anybody.

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If I lose one more (*&{_@#@ pilot to my dumb*** wingmen ramming me or shoulder shooting I am going to take up a friendly fire situation on them. I have lost 3 of my top pilots due to this. I would almost rather go it solo hunting than have these idiots with me. I have now lost more pilots to them than enemy fire...


Sorry for the rants I love this game but something eeds to happen to get these guys inline.... blink.gifthis.gif

Firecage, wingies will shoot through you, trample over you, or do whatever it takes to get the victory

I found this frustrating too but eventually learned it's best to just get outta their way

1 victory is not worth a collision

Yesterday I had a Spad all lined up when tracers whizzed by my port wing

Just ruddered over and decided to witness for my wingie

Turned out to be a red nosed Jasta 11 DVII, but I got a nice front row seat to a flamer

In a twisting DF collisions are always a possibility but the chances can be minimized


Also if you're flying in an elite squadron, wingies will chase HA more fiercely

Try an averge squad and you'll have less company ...but there's a down side to that too!

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Ok Some great tips I will try .... Thank you all for the ideas to try. I do tink I was in a elite squad. I can understand the ramming at times, its just crowded. Its the shooting THRU me that took 2 pilots in a row out.... Kinda makes me rethink the friendly fire idea. They can probably out shoot me as well so maybe thats a bad way to think :yikes:


I was all set to grab TIR this week and I got to reading up on the TIR5 and I think Im going to get it instead next week or so. I am seeing where thats going to change things quite a bit as far as SA.


Ok back to killing ... er I mean flying another pilot. :rofl:

Edited by Firecage

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hi firecage,


solution is easy. stop thinking you are the bellybutton of the world, like in previous sims, it's that simple.

in this sim you are a small, unimportant part of a formation. AI has the same tasks as you have, so do not disturb them doing it. AI won't shoot at you because beeing too aggressive or something. only if you cross their fire while they fight the enemy. so you are disturbing them, not vice versa.

you have to have S.A. as you have in the streets when driving your car. in the streets you are also watching what another driver is doing before you turn left. you are not just simply turning and forgetting about all other drivers. same is here. it's not like that anymore, you see an enemy, you attack and don't take care about anything else. your wing probably has the same idea at the same moment as you have. so when you see a chance, make sure you are not disturbing and make sure what's happening around you. trackir is essential for that. SA is as important for own guys as it is for enemies. a thing often forgotten!

but even the best of the best died this way.

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That's true and right, what Creaghorn said.

I had wingmen problems like yours very rarely.

But when I marked a target (yellow brackets), and then ordered "Attack", they would of course

fire at that target. Often from a long distance already. And when I flew into that, to hunt the

same guy - my fault.

So now, I'm mostly flying without that, or I mark them another target to attack.

This way, they never get into my way much.


Last point is: you are responsible for your own situational awareness.

Don't rely on the AI to be driven by the computer, and he will know, where you are. That won't work.

You must make sure yourself, not to be in danger.

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