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Netwoking OFF

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Can anyone tell me how easy it is to set up OFF for LAN play? I run a lan party with friends and we are considering investing in a few more copies for network play. We can't use ROF as there is no internet connection at the site we use (rented cottage, room full of PCs, fridge full of beer). I havent recieved my copy yet so not even sure it has LAN capabilities!... but i expect it will do.

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I believe stumpjumper is one of the guru's on this subject. Look for posts by him and you should get some good info. He might also answer here as well as others.

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view the sticky for mp sessions in the mp forum.


once the host computer has a game up and running (and i highly suggetst you host a mission, and not a dogfigtht), then the other computers should be able to join either thru the hosts external ip (whatsmyipaddress.com), or the hosts compters internal ip (start>run>cmd>ipconfig)


if you have vista,,getting to cmd is different.


good misson to start out with is pds trainbusters,,or zepplins over paris...they are both in the downloads sections here. put the xml files in your missions\historical folder


note: if the host is going thru a router, you may have to forward the ports. info for ports is in sticky, but as all routers are different, there are not proceedures there.


if this is the case, post whatever router you have, and will look it up for you

Edited by sitting_duck

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