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Quest for smooth shadows

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Hello, all,


I've searched for quite some time but have not found/or overlooked the answer to the following: How can I make my airplane shadow appear smooth? Specifically, the machine's shadow seen on the ground before takeoff and after landing. Currently, and as always, it appears very, very jagged while the machine itself is quite smooth via anti-aliasing. I imagine it's just a configuration tweak somewhere so I've come here to find it.


Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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I discussed this functionality with MicroSoft when the original CFS3 came out way back in 2003. 2004 Maybe?

This increase of quality of shadows was never built into the game due to lack of processing and GPU power at the time of design.

It was a simplified "projection" static shadow process on earlier MS Flight Sim engines which had not progressed since the days of Red Baron 3D!


FS9 and FSX improved on the design, and allowed generation of hardware shadows, versus in game generated shadows (CFS3).


Bottom line is this function does not exist, unless the OFF programmers rewrite the coding portion of the engine to include other options in game (OFF manager), or OFF configuration function. This seems a bit unlikely, but with the effort of this team, I have seen other miracles happen.


It is possible to rewrite this code, but I do not have the time to invest in the redesign. Its a bit more complicated that a multiple line rewrite and requires an overhaul of the 3D engine to take advantage of the features of the latest GPUs.

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Good Lord, I didn't realize it'd amount to all that! I thought I'd just be told to move a slider to a certain position or something.


Thank you for that most interesting explanation. I appreciate your time.

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