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Track IR 5 wont work with OFF even though it works with CFS3!

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This is driving me freaking nuts!


I have Track IR 4 Pro with the latest track ir 5.0 software installed. I am running vista 64 ultimate, two 8800ultras in SLI, an evga 750i mobo and 8 gigs of ram.


Track IR works perfectly for IL2-1946, Arma 2, and even Combat FLight Simulator 3!


However, I get no blue light when I load up OFF, and I get no track IR response at all! What can I do here? Does anybody have a work around? I wrote a letter on natural points forum, but no real help yet.



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Well I do believe it's time for all you guys who claimed Trackir 5 was MANDITORY for OFF to step up to the plate, in Trackir 4. I'd say make sure the Default Combat profile was checked, but I've never even seen the Trackir 5 Software.


I have tired track Ir 4 software as well. Does not work, this game is useless to me if I cant get track IR to work! Please somebody has to be able to help with this, I am sure this is a common problem with a simple fix!

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I have TIR4 and was using T4 1.037 Final B before changing to T5 5.0 Final B. The original 5.0's were buggy and flawed, very jittery, jumpy and not very stable. The 5.0 Final or Final B are great. You can set up much more precise profiles including the "pickup" points along the curves. The dead zone is better in 5 than 4.


Don't use any of the 5.0 betas, period.


Were TR4 profiles imported?


Is default T5 CFS3 being used or import?


Was a new profile set up for BHaH under CFS3?


Was a newer T5 version installed over an older one?


The blue light continually blinks whether a sim is running or not: it's the USB controller link between the transmitter, software and the controller on the mobo.


If CFS3 does not give you green light, then the transmitter, game and controller aren't linked. In BHaH, the green light will not activate until you're out of the various screens and are in the cockpit on the ground or in the air.

You will not get a green light by simply starting BHaH.


plug_nickel (Al)

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Two more things to try, before you lose your everlov'in mind


A computer features Primary USB's off the motherboard, Secondaries off your case, there IS a voltage difference.


Firstly make sure all the Trackir USB's are primaries, and NO hubs, do whatever is needed


Second: Remove the USB to he camera, count to ten ( Voodoo) and replace, reinstall software if needed ( with XP )


PRAY . . . . . . . . . LOTS

You can use a hub, but it should be externally powered preferably with a regulated power supply and should be connected to the usb header. I use a Belkin F1DS104U 4 port KVM with a hub and external ps off of one of the usb primaries. The Belkin's first pc port is connected to primary usb header on the mobo. I'm able to run 2 pcs so that I can fly older sims that require an older video card/driver. No voltage leaks or problems. I run my TIR4, Cougar HOTAS, and CH TQ off of the hub.


For troubleshooting, you must run the TIR4 off of the pc's primary usb header. That'll take you to a clean electrical beginning.


plug_nickel (Al)

Edited by almccoyjr

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OK, it turned out to be a very simple solution. I was not running the track IR program in administrator mode, so I just had to right click, go to properties and then switch admin mode on!!! Now I am in business!!!!


Thanks for your help guys!

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You mine as well be speaking chinese to me. I have completely uninstalled OFF and CFS3 from my computer, removed everything from my hard drives, rebooted, and reinstalled OFF without installing CFS3 and still NO FREAKIN TRACK IR.


I have uninstalled TrackIR 5 beta, then Installed trackIR 5 final, and that did not work either.


I have installed trackIR 4 out of desperation and it does not work either.


The track IR UNIT IS NOT PLUGGED INTO A HUB, it is plugged directly into the back of my MOBO. I have tried to unplug it and then replug it in but that has not worked either.


I just played an hour of IL2-1946 without any trackIR problems whatsoever. My TRACK IR WORKS, it works with IL2, it works with Arma2, it worked with CFS3 (until I deleated it), but it does not work with OFF.


I am about to put this game on the shelf next to Arma2 (pos game broken on so many other levels) and forget about it, because besides the track IR issues I am extremely unhappy at how crappily it performs on my machine....I just wasted four hours of my life trying to make track ir work and tweak the graphics settings, emailed the guys at natural point, started a help me forum at the natural point site, started this forum, and emailed the customer support for OFF.


I realize its the weekend, but I was really lookin forward to this game, being a huge red baron fan and all. But I gotta honestly say, from what I have seen and played of this game, I am largely unimpressed....wish I had my $50 back... I coulda been playin Birds of Prey on my 120" projector screen with carefree technical issues from the xbox 360 and then taken my GF out to a decent dinner instead of the frustration that this game has brought me.


Gahhh, I just about had it with pc gaming....why cant it run perfect like my beloved IL2?

WHOA!!!! Easy, you obviously haven't had the pleasure of DOS5, 6 or 6.* and all the fun of highumb, 4k resources, configs, pims and on and on and on.


Since your TIR4 worked with your CFS3 install, it will work with BHaH. It's driven by the same engine. We just need to know your exact install procedure for CFS3 and BHaH.


Since your not installing CFS3 and installing BHaH, you must be using a DVD already patched to 3.1. Start there.


plug_nickel (Al)


ps, going to bed. helping with clean in our subdivision all day tomorrow....I mean today. good morning.

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...I am about to put this game on the shelf next to Arma2 (pos game broken on so many other levels) and forget about it, because besides the track IR issues I am extremely unhappy at how crappily it performs on my machine....I just wasted four hours of my life trying to make track ir work and tweak the graphics settings, emailed the guys at natural point, started a help me forum at the natural point site, started this forum, and emailed the customer support for OFF.


I realize its the weekend, but I was really lookin forward to this game, being a huge red baron fan and all. But I gotta honestly say, from what I have seen and played of this game, I am largely unimpressed....wish I had my $50 back... I coulda been playin Birds of Prey on my 120" projector screen with carefree technical issues from the xbox 360 and then taken my GF out to a decent dinner instead of the frustration that this game has brought me....





PLEASE calm down. I understand your frustrations here. I have had immense problems with games before and yanked them out of my DVD drive and tossed them (yes, literally) on the shelf. Some I threw in the bin.


You say you are a huge Red Baron fan...do yourself a favour and try to be patient. You won't regret it.


You are correct in saying it is probably just a simple solution to a simple problem. Unfortunately, I don't have the answer, as my install and running of this game and trackIR has been flawless, and someone who has experienced this problem will be able to help you.


What I CAN help you with is encouragement. You are in the right place. SOMEONE here can and will help you, and you WILL get TrackIR running on OFF.


OFF has, without the slightest bit of doubt in my mind, THE best after-market support of any game or sim I have ever seen or heard of anywhere. Post any question here and it will be answered successfully (usually within 24 hours...got to give the guys on the other side of the planet time to log on). The game developers visit here daily, and actually respond to users' questions/queries/critiques etc. If more than a few are experiencing the same problem, they will discover the faulty line of programming, alter it, and solve the problem.


OK. So OFF works (you mentioned it performs "crappily" on your machine), and TrackIR works on other games on your machine. So there is some MINOR problem, which should be easily resolved...maybe a setting, an unselected box here, a slected box there. Be patient, and you will be rewarded. If you are a big fan of Red Baron, you will have been salivating at the thought of a better version some time in the future. It is on your shelf now.


The problem with OFF runnily "crappily" on your machine can also be fixed by the gurus here. Did you read the "Requirements" for the game on OBD's official website? Is your computer marginal/optimal for this sim? Do you have some memory-hungry program running in the background taxing your CPU's RAM or video memory? Try downloading the free program "Alacrity", and run that. It will halt all unneccessary background programs and your frame rate will increase dramatically. Once you get TrackIR up and running, check your frame rate in OFF, then post your problem (running crappily) here with your computer specs and especially your graphics card, and some of our more computer savvy members here will assist you (very patiently I might add) and tweak your machine and the graphics settings until you are satisfied.


And you WILL be satisfied.


Like I said at the beginning of this long post...please be patient mate. If you have a reasonable computer, the gurus here will help you to get OFF running satisfactorily (and with TrackIR running too). As a Red Baron fan, you OWE it to yourself to wait patiently. Soon you will have sweaty palms and dreading the hun in the sun.



LOL! It took me an hour to post this as I had to complete counting and checking all 1043 keys and 40 swipe cards where I work. Upon getting back to it, I posted, and then scrolled up.


I'm pleased you solved your problem. If you are still having frame rate problems get back to us. Welcome to OFF my friend!

Edited by Check Six

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PLEASE calm down. I understand your frustrations here. I have had immense problems with games before and yanked them out of my DVD drive and tossed them (yes, literally) on the shelf. Some I threw in the bin.


You say you are a huge Red Baron fan...do yourself a favour and try to be patient. You won't regret it.


You are correct in saying it is probably just a simple solution to a simple problem. Unfortunately, I don't have the answer, as my install and running of this game and trackIR has been flawless, and someone who has experienced this problem will be able to help you.


What I CAN help you with is encouragement. You are in the right place. SOMEONE here can and will help you, and you WILL get TrackIR running on OFF.


OFF has, without the slightest bit of doubt in my mind, THE best after-market support of any game or sim I have ever seen or heard of anywhere. Post any question here and it will be answered successfully (usually within 24 hours...got to give the guys on the other side of the planet time to log on). The game developers visit here daily, and actually respond to users' questions/queries/critiques etc. If more than a few are experiencing the same problem, they will discover the faulty line of programming, alter it, and solve the problem.


OK. So OFF works (you mentioned it performs "crappily" on your machine), and TrackIR works on other games on your machine. So there is some MINOR problem, which should be easily resolved...maybe a setting, an unselected box here, a slected box there. Be patient, and you will be rewarded. If you are a big fan of Red Baron, you will have been salivating at the thought of a better version some time in the future. It is on your shelf now.


The problem with OFF runnily "crappily" on your machine can also be fixed by the gurus here. Did you read the "Requirements" for the game on OBD's official website? Is your computer marginal/optimal for this sim? Do you have some memory-hungry program running in the background taxing your CPU's RAM or video memory? Try downloading the free program "Alacrity", and run that. It will halt all unneccessary background programs and your frame rate will increase dramatically. Once you get TrackIR up and running, check your frame rate in OFF, then post your problem (running crappily) here with your computer specs and especially your graphics card, and some of our more computer savvy members here will assist you (very patiently I might add) and tweak your machine and the graphics settings until you are satisfied.


And you WILL be satisfied.


Like I said at the beginning of this long post...please be patient mate. If you have a reasonable computer, the gurus here will help you to get OFF running satisfactorily (and with TrackIR running too). As a Red Baron fan, you OWE it to yourself to wait patiently. Soon you will have sweaty palms and dreading the hun in the sun.



LOL! It took me an hour to post this as I had to complete counting and checking all 1043 keys and 40 swipe cards where I work. Upon getting back to it, I posted, and then scrolled up.


I'm pleased you solved your problem. If you are still having frame rate problems get back to us. Welcome to OFF my friend!


Thanks Check Six,


I am still having frame rate issues, but that may because I am trying to play in 2560x1600 resolution and I dont think this game properly supports SLI, as I have two 8800 ultras in SLI. Does this game support sli or am i stuck playin at a lower resolution. Im tryin to stay at 1600P because I have the gatewayxhd3000 and it lags with lower resolutions :(


Im going to play with the visual settings more, Im just rearranging my monitors, computer, and desk to make things more comfortable with my CH setup.



Is this game more of a resource hog than IL2? Cause IL2 runs buttery smooth for me!

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I do not know if it supports SLI, but it does support Crossfire (so it should support SLI) and yes it is more of a resource hog than IL2 since the Dev's improved all the screnery.


You never did say what your CPU is and that is even more important than the GPU in OFF.

Edited by Panama Red

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I do not know if it supports SLI, but it does support Crossfire (so it should support SLI) and yes it is more of a resource hog than IL2 since the Dev's improved all the screnery.


You never did say what your CPU is and that is even more important than the GPU in OFF.


Hi Panama, I am running a Q6700 Quad core processor over clocked to 3.6ghz, watercooled.




What is an easy way to see what my FPS are? I dont wanna install fraps or any of that crap, is there a way in game to show FPS? I get noticeable screen tearing when I look around with my track ir, of course it goes away when I set VSYNC on but I HATE setting VSYNC on!


Ive got aircraft & effects set to 5, clouts set to 1 and everything else set to 3. Here is a screen shot, wish I could put settings higher LOL


Edited by appraiserfl

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I gotta tell you guys, I got the graphics goin smooth, got my ch pedals, fighterstick, and throttle working perfectly, an got track IR going great too!


I spent the last two hours re-learning how to fly cause im used to ww2 and jets, have realism set to 100, and on a quick combat sortie I just downed two sae5's (I think, lol my iding is very rusty) on that 20 vs 20 dogfight match.


I AM LOVING THIS GAME!!! Once the technical issues are aside, it just sucks you in! LOVING IT!

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I gotta tell you guys, I got the graphics goin smooth, got my ch pedals, fighterstick, and throttle working perfectly, an got track IR going great too!


I spent the last two hours re-learning how to fly cause im used to ww2 and jets, have realism set to 100, and on a quick combat sortie I just downed two sae5's (I think, lol my iding is very rusty) on that 20 vs 20 dogfight match.


I AM LOVING THIS GAME!!! Once the technical issues are aside, it just sucks you in! LOVING IT!




The easiest way to check your frame rate is to hit "Z" and amongst all the heaps of info there is the frame rate.


umm..nice screenshot. lol.gif


Try running the sim at the highest graphics settings your monitor will tolerate (native resolution), and if the framerate drops too much, you can lower the slider settings. You can also set a maximum for the frame rate (40 is oft quoted), which apparently kinda evens things out, and improves the overall performance.


But I'm not computer savvy enough to be able to help you out much more than that. I can only relate what I've read here. Try using the search function and see if your graphics card scores a mention. That usually means someone is attempting to optimize or tweak their sim to improve performance, and they might have displayed their settings for you (or if the graphics card is mentioned in their signature, you might private message them and ask if they could send you their settings).

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<br />appraiserfl,<br /><br />The easiest way to check your frame rate is to hit "Z" and amongst all the heaps of info there is the frame rate.<br /><br />umm..nice screenshot. <img src="http://forum.combatace.com/public/style_emoticons/default/lol.gif" /> <br /><br />Try running the sim at the highest graphics settings your monitor will tolerate (native resolution), and if the framerate drops too much, you can lower the slider settings. You can also set a maximum for the frame rate (40 is oft quoted), which apparently kinda evens things out, and improves the overall performance.<br /><br />But I'm not computer savvy enough to be able to help you out much more than that. I can only relate what I've read here. Try using the search function and see if your graphics card scores a mention. That usually means someone is attempting to optimize or tweak their sim to improve performance, and they might have displayed their settings for you (or if the graphics card is mentioned in their signature, you might private message them and ask if they could send you their settings).<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Thanks again check six! I was missing the text when I hit Z because it makes it sooooo small at my resolution of 2560x1600, however, it is running at 30fps at low altitude and 60fps once I nose up towards the sky, I have vsync locked so its lockin it at the max it can handle given whats on screen. Ill search around and look into the frame rate lock.



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You do know that using "z" drops your FPS versus using something like Fraps (about 5 FPS on my i7 975, ATI 4790 Crossfires). I still use my old Fraps 19d (freeware) from way back in 2003 and it still work great on all my 3D games. If you want, I can send you a copy and you can see what I mean.

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<br /><br /><br />


Thanks again check six! I was missing the text when I hit Z because it makes it sooooo small at my resolution of 2560x1600, however, it is running at 30fps at low altitude and 60fps once I nose up towards the sky, I have vsync locked so its lockin it at the max it can handle given whats on screen. Ill search around and look into the frame rate lock.







"Edit this file:


C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\default\cfs3.xml


Find the line that contains the string "MaxFPS"


The default value for this parameter is "0" which means Unlimited. Change it to your desired maximum frame rate value."


(courtesy of Homeboy).


Please remember to save the original file somewhere in case you mess it up or it doesn't work like you wanted. Play around with OFF for a while keeping your eyes on your FPS and if your beast is still apparently underperforming, get back to us with all your computer details, and someone will be able to help you tweak it to improve performance.

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"Edit this file:


C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\default\cfs3.xml


Find the line that contains the string "MaxFPS"


The default value for this parameter is "0" which means Unlimited. Change it to your desired maximum frame rate value."


(courtesy of Homeboy).


Please remember to save the original file somewhere in case you mess it up or it doesn't work like you wanted. Play around with OFF for a while keeping your eyes on your FPS and if your beast is still apparently underperforming, get back to us with all your computer details, and someone will be able to help you tweak it to improve performance.


Thanks again check six, i got it locked at 34 and it works good.... man i cant wait until the new ati 5870x2 comes out so I can crank this game even higher....maybe run it on three screens instead of 1!!

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Thanks again check six, i got it locked at 34 and it works good.... man i cant wait until the new ati 5870x2 comes out so I can crank this game even higher....maybe run it on three screens instead of 1!!



Maxtor TripleHead2Go is what you need to run three monitors. Review here.




When you get your three screens working, take a photo of your cockpit with a good screenshot for us OK?

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Maxtor TripleHead2Go is what you need to run three monitors. Review here.




When you get your three screens working, take a photo of your cockpit with a good screenshot for us OK?


Ahh, but I am going to have an odd configuration that wont support tripple screens. I have a 30" 2560x1600 monitor and am buying two 20.1" dell 1600x1200 monitors. I plan on running the smaller monitors in portrait mode on each side of the main 30" so I will have a total resolution of 4960x1600, however, currently there is nothing that will let me run my video games in this monitor config.


It is confirmed that the ATIs eyefinity does not support different monitor resolutions and tripple head certainly does not either, so looks like no tripple screen gaming for me :(

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