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rofl.gif patroling the lines at 8000ft Jasta3 flight leader saw two flights. 5 Se5 s 2000ft lower and to the left. Signaling to attack the 56 sgn SE5 fighters . Emil von Tripiz turned alone to attack a closer flight of BE2c s slightly above and ahead. Slowing he slide sliped as the range closed. This is hammer time, Fangs out he fired 200 rds or so parts flew off the enemy twoseater. the 2 seater then pointed his nose down. Seeing his winmate heading back, Emil kicked the rudder of his Albatri D-3 and sent 180 rds into the second Be2c which started and engine fire. Sprialing down he watched as the smoking BE2c went into the ground below. Meanwhile, 56 sgn sent one albatross spining into the trees. The others landed with holes sometime later. skull.gif Payback. no easy kills for the wingies. nono.gif

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Hmmm! That should have tought them a harsh lesson, but be careful, you don't become like Goering,

shooting down the easy ones, and letting your wingies get their bums toasted, Carrick.

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Talking of Goering..There was a Documentary on Discovery the other night about him.

Some old film of him in the Cockpit, taking off etc...... But the bit that nearly made me cry, was a short clip of German Soldiers (after the War I assume!)...smashing a load of Alb's and DVII's to smithereens with Sledgehammers!....it was heartbreaking!!

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