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Here is a clip from a great film! (Aces High)

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Found this surfin the net.. Sure the planes are not authentic (gotta love Hollywood) but gets the blood pumpin anyways.. and makes you ready for another round for King and Country eh.. :drinks::salute:


(they really should have had parachutes.. as it shows the human cost to this endeavor in the sky.. as they stand around the piano singing 'its the only way'... see end of clip ;)







Edited by Blue781

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yes I believe that one is the original Hells Angels.. a good classic.. ;)


I think they should add the RFC Song at the end of my Clip 'Its the Only Way' when a pilots killed kinda fits the mood as you can picture your Comrades toasting to your passing.. very fitting, instead of a black screen..


maybe the Devs will take notice for the future... ;)






I want this movie too


Edited by Blue781

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I just don't know what it is with these modern CGI WW1 aviation movies!....they appear to have lost any sense of nostalgia...almost like Battlestar Galactica with Biplanes!


They (to me) have no atmosphere, little realism and I hate them!!


Grumpy old Tosspot that I am!!! :grin::grin::grin:

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I loved The Red Baron. I know its not 100% historical but after watching 'Fly Boys' red baron is practically a factual documentary! I can overlook its flaws because it is at least making an effort to portray the theme if not acurately, then authentically. Probably the first film to get the planes so spot on.... (except for censoring Werner Voss' swastica! how stupid) although i think some of the low level barrel rolls are a little over optimistic.


Did anyone ever see this monstrocity? most bizare ww1 film ever....



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Did anyone ever see this monstrocity? most bizare ww1 film ever....




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I loved The Red Baron. I know its not 100% historical but after watching 'Fly Boys' red baron is practically a factual documentary! I can overlook its flaws because it is at least making an effort to portray the theme if not acurately, then authentically. Probably the first film to get the planes so spot on.... (except for censoring Werner Voss' swastica! how stupid) although i think some of the low level barrel rolls are a little over optimistic.


Did anyone ever see this monstrocity? most bizare ww1 film ever....





EDIT... when i say planes are spot on, obviously I know they are wrong for the dates.... SE5s instead of DH2s etc, i mean they arent strange post war radial engined planes like aces high or squadrons of red triplanes like Fly Boys...

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I just don't know what it is with these modern CGI WW1 aviation movies!....they appear to have lost any sense of nostalgia...almost like Battlestar Galactica with Biplanes!


They (to me) have no atmosphere, little realism and I hate them!!


Grumpy old Tosspot that I am!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif



I also love the new galactics... and think the original is an awful star wars cash in attempt! :) hows that for controversial?... anyway enough of my dubious tastes back to planes... grin.gif

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I also love the new galactics... and think the original is an awful star wars cash in attempt! :) hows that for controversial?... anyway enough of my dubious tastes back to planes... grin.gif


hahahaha exactly... a really bad attempt :grin:

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I agree that Red Baron was at least an attempt.... the real gripe I had about both films was (as you pointed out Stiffy) the aerobatics..and the fact that they all seemed to be flying at Mach1

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I agree that Red Baron was at least an attempt.... the real gripe I had about both films was (as you pointed out Stiffy) the aerobatics..and the fact that they all seemed to be flying at Mach1



true..true.. the cinematics were amazing especially the night combat against the bombers but.. as you stated just mooving a little to fast for normality... ;)

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