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woi aircraft conversion

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Hi all,

can anyone advise me how to convert a WOI aircraft to fly in SF please ?

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You are talking SF Project 1 or SF Gold here yes? - in which case you need the newest patch for it from thirdwire.


Then you simply extract the files for the jet you want from the object.cat in WOI - that may need to include the decals and cockpit files.


stick them in a folder called F-4D for example


put the folder in the Objects\Aircraft folder in SF - look at how 3rd party Aircraft are made up first to see what you need to do (aka download one from here).




Should be something about it on the site already - or on here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99

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thanks mate !trying to fly that kfx-1 but sf keeps crashing



  On 10/7/2009 at 10:29 PM, MigBuster said:

You are talking SF Project 1 or SF Gold here yes? - in which case you need the newest patch for it from thirdwire.


Then you simply extract the files for the jet you want from the object.cat in WOI - that may need to include the decals and cockpit files.


stick them in a folder called F-4D for example


put the folder in the Objects\Aircraft folder in SF - look at how 3rd party Aircraft are made up first to see what you need to do (aka download one from here).




Should be something about it on the site already - or on here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99

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