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crisisloaner last won the day on May 10 2023

crisisloaner had the most liked content!

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784 +750 Reputation


About crisisloaner

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Plymouth , UK
  • Interests
    SF-2 Military aviation,rugby union

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  1. "Will this be a stand up fight or another bug hunt"
  2. simply stunning work as always Ravenclaw_007 ! Mandatory screenie..
  3. found this online...over to you fabulous skinners !!!
  4. [What If] RAF '43. Early jet madness.

    A stunning collection of high quality workmanship . Superb addition for SWOTL scenarios ...what are you waiting for ? DOWNLOAD IT NOW !
  5. Apologies Spinners,I thought the issue was at my end and was dumb enough not to check the dates of the comments and reviews
  6. Any plans for a release of your awesome Meteor FB series ? 

    1. yakarov79


      Yes. be patient. still in development. it might be bigger than I thought.

  7. I have an oddtechnical issue with this download and the Kiwi hunter. When I download them and extract them the aircraft and decal folders are both empty...only seems to be these two files affected ????
  8. and the TF-104 Dh.... utilised in small numbers by 1 and 9 squadrons and in the main by the Angry Owls ...
  9. Does anyone have a completely blank skin for this bird please ?
  10. Love the NF.6 ! Hoping for a release ..
  11. [Fictional] Red Arrows Lightning F.3

    Now we need , Yellowjacks , blue diamonds and black arrows to complete the set
  12. [Fictional] Red Arrows Lightning F.3

    Nice idea , lovely skin...
  13. F-CK-1 Ching-Kuo

    Nice work everyone involved , some lovely skins
  14. Mirage F1EJ

    Guy's , you continue to honour BPAO's memory with these excellent releases
  15. F-4K/M/J United Kingdom pack

    Lovely work on a true classic aircraft ,get it now !

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