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Helo All


I stumbled upon this little haven and started this post as soon as i had a membership.

So I started this post so that people like me (NOOOBS) can get some answers to some questions on modding and such without screwing up there computer.

Now firstly of course I have some questions.


I recently purchased wings over europe, I wasn't to happy with the selction of aircraft that I had. I piered through the internet looking for mods, and I found none.

I was sure there were mods because the back of the package i qoute "open architecture for mod support." it went on about new skins and aircraft. So I continued my relentless search and found nothing.


Now the strange thing I found stange about WOE is that all the aircraft have a tailhook function. I thought this must be because there is carrier operations availiable!

So off on my search again and I search Wings Over Eruope Carrier Ops, And guess were I end up? In this little corner of the internet.


So I'm running through every part of the site, and decide im gonna make a account. So I did.

So when im done I think hang on ive downloaded 4 different carriers 10 different aircraft, and I relise: I dont no what the hell to do, Then I relised it's kinf of like FSX and FS2004, carriers would be like scenery. But how do I find them?

And do they just sit there to look pretty? By looks of the scrren shots no.


So my questions are:


1. How to install mods.


2. How to install and use Aircrafts Carriers.


And 3. What do the carriers do.'


I no how noobish this post is but if I dont find out I cant move on to nor being a noob.


So if any one is willing to help please post ASAP.

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well, i think a few of em here are gonna give you the obligitory "read the knowledge base" speech, but I wont do that. Most of the downloads come with very detailed instructions if I know this bunch of guys, they like details. Dont worry, its aboutr as easy as FSX or any other to mod.

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First of all Welcome ! I think the best option for You is the Le Missioneur ( mission builder ) ,You find it in the downloads / utilities-editors section, with this You can create carrier based missions. I don't know of any other mod that would allow carrier use, maybe somebody else.


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Oh dear....do I let my baser instincts get the better of me???? Or do I rise above, and use the forebrain Evolution ™ has given me.....


....such descisions are not best left for mortals...


ah, screw it!!!


Greets Gulf! Yes, like Brother Gwar as stated some asshole (ok, I've elected myself!!) will pop in here and screech "Look in the Knowledge Base!!! All you questions are answered there!!! That's what it's for!!!" or words to that effect.

Start at the beginning, and read all the posts for the "New to 3rd Wire Sims", and the progress to the more difficult bits. The learning curve isn't really steep, just confusing sometimes. And we all had to follow that curve, one time or another, and we're all STILL learning new things.


So, consider it said.

Now, having said that, let me make a few directed answers. These will be designed for THe Original Series (SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI), as the NextGen SF2 series do things just slighly differently. With the exception of decals for aircraft, it's all pretty much the same. But that's for another day.


Mods are pretty much a drag/drop operation, for vehciles/ships (hereinafter refered to as GroundObjects), aircraft, terrains and so forth.


Meaning: you have this nice model of HMS Hermes (see the Ships/Carriers download section), and you want to add it. Unzip, and drop the folder into your /Objects/GroundObjects folder. Mind you, if there's any new weapons to be added (SAMs or AAA guns), that require use of the WeaponsEditor (also for another day, and definatly covered in the KB)


BUT...carriers are NOT usable in-game generated single missions. They can only be used in pre-built Campaigns or end-user built single missions. This, IMO, is one of the greatest failings of the 3rdWire series. (along with the lack of an in-game mission builder and save mission function)


As to where to get, a great number of Warships, including destroyers, cruisers, carriers (especially for WW2) are not publicly available; they are available, but only after registering with the site that has them.. Again, that's for another time. Some ships, however are 'hidden in plane sight' is some terrains mods; which ones I'm not sure.

For the most part, carriers, when added to terrains as 'being at sea' or 'in port', mostly sit there and look pretty. Again, usable in campaigns.


Hope this gets you started! And DO spend some time in the KB a lot of really smart people spent a lot of time complining the answers to help folks


and Welcome to CombatAce. You'll get used to our somewhat twisted sense of humor. Eventually..



kevin stein

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Thanks all


I was sure there would be some kind of place were you could ask questions like these I just was unable to find it, but I have now gone through and found what I need.

The system isn't much different to FSX, a real, as you call it "drag and drop" and the folder layout isn't to difficult to understand.




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