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Intercepting Kamikazes, V1s, and cruise missiles

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Perhaps someone else had this idea before, but i hope it works.


Nowadays, in Thirdwire sims you can´t either make a pilot crash on purpose upon a target, or engage a weapon. This prevents us

from having missions wich could be of interest (Kamikaze or V1 interception)


So there are two charasteristics (crash on target and be downable) wich won´t meat each other on the same system. If you can´t tell easily if

those attacks are from "bandits" or "vampyres" in RL, let alone the computer understand it


So i thought that,in orderto feature this, we should make a combo: an "invisible" 3d model aircraft, wich would carry the visible 3d aircraft as a "bomb". The invisible aircraft would

fly to the target as a bomber, being able to be engaged (making sure that hits have to be achieved in the points of the visible component). They would release the "bomb"

(whose 3d should represent a kamikaze plane, a V1 or a cruise missile) upon it´s target. I know it would cause troubles, such as the flight pattern that it could choose, or the

rebuild wich it could take to animations and other things, but i think that it´s an option.


Does anybody think that it can be done and work fine?




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Kamikazi's have been discussed at great length in the PropHeads forum ... look through the "Invasiion of Japan Thread".

MKShepard came across some ini edits. The only downside is, you'll need to create 'specific' aircraft for Devine Wind usage, as these AI edits will effect the versions you want to come home.


Since V-1s are basiclly surface-to-surface missiles, you could treat them as such, in a similiar way that moonjumper did for the Kytusha rocket trucks (of course, we'd actually NEED a working V-1 first....actualy, 2 of them...one for ground launch, one for airlaunch)


Unfortuatly, missiles v missiles isn't allowed with the game engine; they are not targetable items, so swarm attacks against CVBGs ala Red Strom Rising only result in dead ships.


The 'carring an invisible aircraft bit' has also been discussed, ala Mistral (sp???), as you can't take off and land perched atop the bombaircraft, even after release as the guidence plane is sitting several meters above ground.



kevin stein

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