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New military aircraft simulator freeware is available

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Digital-Fighters 0.4.0 is available !


Digital-Fighters is a military aircraft simulator. It is freeware, multilanguage and can be downloaded at :



There are a lot of improvements but not finish :

- Eurofighter is the old model...

- Add-on aircraft are available for IA, but they are not include in environnement file

- ...


We work on version 0.5.0 !


Beta SDK is available, LUA script can be write, aircraft can be add, modified...

Sorry, we are french and all of doc are not yet translated.


Test it and tell us what do you think about it. Give us ideas, bugs, comments, new aircrafts, new cockpits...

If you want to help us,you are welcome !


Thank you.


Digital-Fighters Team


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This sim shows huge promise!!! I think a lot of us who are into the thirdwire series of sims will be drawn to this engine for modding.

If it can actually live up to what is described on the website.... this is going to be my new favorite game.

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I will take a look at this as from what I have seen on your site looks interesting.

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Thank you for your comments.


There is again a lot of job and all helps are welcome.


I have started to translate User_Manual, SDK Manual and System_Script_LUA but my english is very poor:unsure:...


I'll give you news as soon as possible.



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