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AlbD3 8-pack Jasta 30

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AlbD3 8-pack Jasta 30

This is an 8 pack of Albatros D.III's of Jasta 30 early in 1917.

Their airfield at this time was Phalempin.



1. Ltn. Joachim von Bertrab - (black fuselage)

2. Vfw. Hans Oberlander - (an "O" with chevron)

3. Ltn. Oskar Seitz - (an "S" and blue diamond vertical stabilizer)

4. Ltn. Heinrich Brugmann - ( a "Br" on fuselage sides)

5. Ltn. Otto Fuchs - OAW D.III - (fox chasing a cock)

6. J30 Star - (a three pointed red and yellow star)

7. J30 white Sash - (a thin diagonal white sash on fuselage sides)

8. J30 Red Oval - (a sun with flames on the fuselage sides)


Ltn. Otto Fuchs skin is for the AlbatrosD3OAW.


Enjoy, quack74




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