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What a fine day

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Today I started a new pilot with Jasta 2, the Jasta I should fly through the whole war once,

cause they get all Albatros versions and they are at good hot spots.

I started late May 1917 in Premont, a lovely field in lovely wheather.



All three sorties gave me action more than enough, but not as dense as 1918.

For example, you spott those 4 British Nupe 17 crossing underneath and just want to go

for them, when you see Flak in another angle. More Nupes? No, British SPAD VII this time.

Also, higher up, lots of Strutters. A British air raid?

You go for the Nupes, but after short time, the SPADs join in. I had expected that and made

short process with the Nupes. Now turning with the rugged, fast twin gun beast, but you can

turn a bit tighter, winding your craft into the SPADs circle, and full hits!

Being carried into enemy terrain, the Flak is now really dangerous. We kill the SPADs and only

lose one Fighter. On return to the base, I spot a high lonesome flyer - a single Pup intruding

our terrain. Climbing to it, I see two Albatros DV coming from the left. Oh no! Now they will take

my prey! But no - Flak puffs, and R.E.8s appear high; the DV go for them.

Just when I tought, I could have "my" Pup now, it gets a full hit by Flak and spirals down burning,

two wings following.

I couldn't say why, but everything seemed a bit different and new today. What an afternoon!

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