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Well, here is the EuroWW2_spring tilest, full version, updated.


That has changed?


-The forest line has been corrected. Now, all the trees are into

the forest.

-The fields around the road have been reworked to not looks it is

cut in pieces.

-The sea port & road tiles have been replaced by other ones,

more appropriate.

-The transition beetwen city & farm has been smoothed, & i have

replaced the city textures because the straight lines looks like

more appropriate with the buildings.

-If you like previous tiles, there is a copy of them in "Alt-tiles"




-Original tiles: Brain32 & Deuces.

-Terrain objects: CA_Stary.


I Hope you Like.


Thanks for comments and suggestions.




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Empty/cleared zones around airfields????



kevin stein

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Empty/cleared zones around airfields????



kevin stein


Well, the majority of the airfields are placed on "grass" tiles or on transition tiles between grass-farm. But any are not. I tried to fix it (and other problems) by retiling, but unfortunately

my experiences with the terrain editor have been bad. It may not be difficult, but i don't know to relocate airfields.


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Don't worry about that my friend, I'm already on it!! I must say, that's EXACTLY the look of the terrain it needed.


My only complaint is I'll have to revert BACK to the 'original' type city TODs, as all those wonderful buildings fill all the availalbe empty spaces for placing targets! As everyone KNOWS most targets during the time frame (well, and pretty much now as well) were placed IN cities!!!


The screenies below show what's up ...


1st is Duxford, with the 'AB' tiles

2nd is London, in particular the Tower of London and Tower Bridge (I've imported boatloads of stuff from Gepard's BoB terrain -buildings, RDF staions, etc)


I havn't look around Berlin to see where the Chancellery wound up, or the Brandenberg Gate. Paris, alas, will have to do without the Effiel Tower, which for some reason is CTDing this terrain. Of course, it works perfectly in the BoB terrain, so go figure!!!


I'll probably wind up making custom TODs, using the standard buildings, so the 'new target' stuff isnt buried within the TOD buildings, and to fit the new smaller city areas and such.


But other than that, an OUTSTANDING job of retiling!!



kevin stein

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It is a good news!


It has been difficult to me to translate your message, but i think i understand.

A suggestion: i have used Stary´s VietnamC1.TOD file for BNAlcty tile because it places a LOT of buildings, but There are other TOD files that places fewer buildings. VietnamC2-3 for example, or Probably more apropiate City1.TOD (fom Stary´s Desert_and_Israel2_ground_environment_update). This file makes free space enough... Also it is possible to reduce the building quantity by modifying the datafile.

In any case, If you want that I do something for you, say me, please.


Thank you very much!



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