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OPG: Exclusive Interview w/ DICE on BFBC2

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OPG had the oppertunity to have an interview with David Goldfarb, Lead Designer of Battlefield BadCo 2. Check out the interview


1. What can you tell us about Battlefield Bad Co 2, why are you putting it on PC, when you failed to put it on PC with the first BadCo?


a. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a high-fidelity, blockbuster experience we want to share with as many people as possible! The PC market is a perfect place for BFBC2 both because of the PC platform’s power and because of our origins as a PC game studio. We can’t wait to get it into gamer’s hands and let them experience an all new Battlefield.


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What do you all think of the interview? We weren't able to get in alot of questions due to the fact that they were able to ask alot of what we did want to know. We apologize to anyone that was hoping for more than that. We will be looking to get an follow up interview perhaps around 2010 Jan. So at that time they might be able to answer more, i was rather disappointed but at the same time i also understand. Also, if anyone has anything they would want answered please ask and leave it, ill hold onto and submit it at the later date.


I want to thank Combat Ace, for allowing me to post it on here.





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The funny thing is their answer there gives no reason as to why BFBC1 wasn't on the PC.

Was the PC less powerful then? Were they NOT a former PC-only dev then? They only wanted BFBC1 to be shared with a limited number of people before? They totally evaded that last "when you failed" part of the question.

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The funny thing is their answer there gives no reason as to why BFBC1 wasn't on the PC.

Was the PC less powerful then? Were they NOT a former PC-only dev then? They only wanted BFBC1 to be shared with a limited number of people before? They totally evaded that last "when you failed" part of the question.




I think and i believe it was you that brought it up before that you claim that BFBC1 was simply an test bed, i think the same thing as well as Mirrors Edge and Battlefield Heroes to prefect BFBC2 and BF3.

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Seems they don't want to offend future customers by admitting that!

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