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OT: NEVER give up too early

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Found this very moving, and a good example for

"never give up, before it's over"


Edited by Olham

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        Amazing movie indeed, never seen anything like it before! Thanks for sharing Olham!








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I saw Olham's post, and thought that was very interesting to say the least. I also immediately thought about "The battle of Kruger Park" as the video you posted is named. I didn't want to step on Olham's toes, but that is by far the most amazing wildlife video I have ever seen. I went straight to YouTube and sought it out, and then came back here to post a link, only to see you had done so.


Unbelievable. They should post a link to that vid next to the dictionary definition for "Herd Mentality".

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Isn't it impressive to see, when they overcome their first instinctive natural inbuilt fear,

and then begin to discover, what is possible for them?

A very bad day for the morale of the lions here.


There used to be another one, which I can't find anymore, about a leopard trying to catch

a warthog piglet. The sows turn round with no hesitation and overrun the leopard, who

breaks hid tail. He jumps out of the trouble vertical, only to land in the following more sows

again. He was overrun twice, before he could escape with a rectangle hanging down tail

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what great recordings, both of them !


I would like to see this buffalo scene, only with some greedy bank managers and their customers lol




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Lucky Zebra...kinda feel sorry for the Lion too though...She's just doing what she must

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Haha, Widowmaker, you're such a friendly soul. Of course the lion only does,

what she must, and I can't see her any negative for that at all. But the Zebra

came out luckier of this than the lion would have, if she had won. Zebra gained

it's whole life - lion would have gained enough to eat for a couple of days

(if it wouldn't get deminished by "thieves" even faster).


The biologist Ingersoll said: "In nature, there are neither rewards, nor punishments -

there are consequences."

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Nice videos, it's always nice to see the underdog win

I don't have a vid but there's one I remember well


A leopard was sniffing and searching the tall grass

Evidently he'd picked up the scent of a small fawn laying motionless

Eventually he spotted him and pounced immediately

The fawn stood no chance and his head hung back, throat tightly gripped in the Leopards jaws

All seemed lost when a lion appeared and charged the leopard

Dropping his prey, the leopard faced off with the lion, and they stood eyeball to eyeball for a moment

In this short time the little fawn bounded away, seemingly unhurtclapping.gif

Hope the youngster had a good life!

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He made this important experience early enough to make him last long.

Yes, wildlife is dangerous any minute - even for the hunters.

If a Hyena bites into the paw of a Gepard, the cat can't hunt anymore for

so long, that she'll dy from hunger. That's why they never fight for their prey

against those bonebreaking jaws.

There was one YouTube non-video (it shows a picture sequence only) about

a lioness, who got killed by a warthog. She looks completely unharmed, except

a hole in her throat. The broken off tooth of the warthog stuck in there.

Only when the rangers turned her over, they saw her blood, that had run out.

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