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Made some small WOV Mods

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Past days I have been modding Wings over Vietnam a little, somewhat for my own interest. One of the mods consists of Planning Maps for WOV with political borders.

How is something like this installed in the case of SF2V? I don't have SF2V myself you see. Maybe the procedure of creating borders would add something to other Terrain mods?


For now I put things here: wov_maps.zip (rapidshare, 10 downloads only!?)


Another WoV mod I have been wasting my time on is here: WOV Campaign fix

I do not think it has been tested enough to release it. And looking a the download counter; not many people seem to need it anyways.


Planning Maps for WOV with political borders.


By Gerwin 26-10-2009



Planning Maps for Wings over Vietnam with political borders.

You can now identify Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and China.

Also includes new/modified campaign base screens.



Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains

the Wings over Vietnam files, for example:




No idea yet...



It is key to get the border data in the proper map projection,

being rectangular/miller projection.

Get the Generic Mapping Tools 'GMT' installer from http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/

Install it, then run pscoast.exe with the commands below.

the resulting postscript (.ps) files can be rasterized by Photoshop,

or converted to pdf by Acrobat among others.


set GMT_SHAREDIR=c:\programs\gmt\share

pscoast -Di -R97/114/8/25 -Jj0.3i -B5 -N1/red -Ggreen -Sblue -P -I2/0.25p,blue > vietnam.ps

pscoast -Di -R0/23/43/57 -Jj0.3i -B5 -N1/red -Ggreen -Sblue -P -I2/0.25p,blue > germany.ps

pscoast -Di -R30/43/25/40 -Jj0.4i -B5 -N1/red -Ggreen -Sblue -P -I2/0.25p,blue > israel.ps



Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games, including most of the map graphics.

The GMT team for their map tools.


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The map you have is a bit off. You will notice the Nakhon Phanom and Udorn are displayed in Laos. We all know that's not the case. NK was acutally located on the eastern Thailand/Laos border. Udorn was south of Vientaine, Laos by about 50 miles.

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Noticed that too. The political borders are a very accurate overlay in relation to the coastlines though. It is the airfield placement that has been off from the start. That is just how the WoV Terrain was made by TK/Third Wire. I wonder why?

It is easy to move the airfield on the planning map now, but then it would have to be moved in the actual terrain as well, which is difficult.


Reminds me of that one time I played Il-2 sturmovik FB. And the campaign took place around Berlin 1945. I wondered where an important river, the Oder, was in the terrain... There were lots of fantasy rivers, but no oder.

Edited by gerwin

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