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Custom skins...

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Is there a basic guide to skinning for this game? Basically cant work out which files to edit, there are so many of them... dont want to ruin a default skin if possible so need to know where to put the new skin so it shows up in game.


Specifically this is for a sopwith strutter for the DID campaign we are starting.

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dont skin,,but there are a bunch of turials in the sticky section of this forum




and, there are enough ppl here that do skin, if you run into trouble, put up a post in that forum explaining the problems you are running into, and im sure someone will help you out

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Hi Stiffy..if you get stuck, let me know

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yikes.gif Duck doesn't make skins! I don't believe itgrin.gif

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the strutter is a difficult one-- so don't be afraid to ask for help! I still haven't quite mastered how to skin that specific bird. the top wing is especially gruesome! speaking of which, any tips or suggestions about the upper surface on the top wing? I was trying to get the some stripes to align in the middle of the top wing-- but it just hasn't worked out for me.

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I'm fine on the actual production of the skin itself... what I need to know is which strutter do i need to edit? there are several in the aircraft folder... need one for RNAS 3 also do i need to save it as an entire folder complete with duplicate aircraft files etc? Or do i just edit a pre existing skin?

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I'm fine on the actual production of the skin itself... what I need to know is which strutter do i need to edit? there are several in the aircraft folder... need one for RNAS 3 also do i need to save it as an entire folder complete with duplicate aircraft files etc? Or do i just edit a pre existing skin?


this sounds like a carry-over from CFS1 and 2 (and 3?). since this is an add-on I think you can bypass that whole frustrating procedure and move straight to the pre-existing skins.


I never open up the skins in the aircraft folders. they are usually duplicates of something already existing in the "skins" folder. besides, it would then save me the trouble of having to move them back. I just use DXTBMP and make a bitmap version of the file-- then edit the thing as I see fit. I might move it to my skinning folder (in My Documents) to keep it from endangering the other skins. but apart from that. this is where you could look.




off_Strutter_B1_t_RNAS-3 1916

off_Strutter_B1_t_RNAS-3 1917


(or any of the corresponding "off_Strutter_B1_ace_t_" files


"off_Strutter_t_RNAS-3 1916" or the "...1917"


once you find one of those you convert it into a bitmap using DXTBMP or Photoshop (some people prefer using this program directly with the appropriate plugin. I've never used that program-- so I can't say. but once you open it up, you can convert the file into a 24 bitmap and start having fun. I'd rename the file or "save as" something different, but easily identifiable. I usually just add an "_a" or "-1" at the end. that way I can ID the squad skin I most want to work on and go from there.


if you feel like posting some of the skins online I've found that Polovski's signature is on virtually ever Strutter skin I could find. (I'm only now starting to skin, so I readily admit I don't know who made what yet)


I would suggest editing all of them and hope for a long and prosperous career! or you can simply edit the skins as you move along in the campaign. eventually you might even live long enough to need to change the skin.

Edited by Waldemar Kurtz

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oops, I never play MP so I don't know what folder it goes into/from. but it's probably Squad No.1 as the British are the first people to use the Strutter-- and the RNAS seems to be the earliest exponent of the type in OFF.

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Ahhhhh thanks, wasnt aware of the skins folder, makes it much easier as they are labeled with squadron names.


Out of interest what is the purpose of converting to BMP? Photoshop can open and edit dds files... do i need to convert to bmp and then back again to dds? Or is it ok just to edit the dds file?

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I, like a few other folks out there, only have Paint and the MS Photo editor. thse programs can't work with .dds files. this means that the file needs to be converted into something that those programs can recognize.


Photoshop, I'm told, can handle .dds files with a simple plugin. since I didn't know what sort of software you had to work with. I wanted to make sure I covered all of my 'bases'.


if you don't need to convert the .dds files then I certainly wouldn't spend any extra time doing so. just work with the files directly and it'll all be fine.


best of luck





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