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The Other "chief" In Our House.

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I just took this picture of "Chief". He turned 2 this past December.


At a visit to the vet yesterday, he weighed in at 130. I have to say it is getting to be a challenge, lifting him into my pickup truck. He can''t jump into it, as the tailgate is too high.


Chief, although appearing somewhat menacing, is a big baby. We got him when he was only five weeks old, and he was raised with over 15 cats all around him.


Now that I think about it, when we first got him, he was about the size of his head!


While growing up in Indianapolis, our family had a poodle. "Molly" was her name. Good dog and all, but since I have had a Rottweiler, I am hooked.


"Chief" is a great companion, and I just wanted to share this with you.


Have a great day.


Navy Chief


P.S. For all of you who remember my loss of "Armand" (my Siamese)? Well, I am thinking of beginning to look for another one. I know I can't replace Armand, but I love the breed. Siamese are not like any other cat.

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Good for you Chief...and Chief! That's a good looking dog, and you were right about him looking P.O. but being nice about it! lol We're looking into getting a dog, but it's like taking baby steps w/ her man. She has never had a pet in her life growing up, so we got the cat first a few years ago; now it's doggy time. She had some premonition about 'small house = small dog theory' which I'm trying to disprove, and I don;t really think it's working all too well. So, I'll have to cave and get a wussy dog, but I guess that's ok. I haven't had a K-9 buddy in some time now.

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Thanks Zagnut.


Listen, as for the notion about a small house/small dog idea? Well, my log home has a grand total of 650 sq. ft. Besides "Chief" living here, we also have 12 cats.


Needless to say, things get interesting 'round here, but never boring! At night, I have to wear earplugs a lot, because some of the younger cats go on a rampage, and I can't sleep.


Even with our bedroom door closed, I can hear them tearing through the house. Sometimes I wonder how I ever slept aboard ship!


Chief is the best behaved dog I have ever had. Except for his constant licking (better than biting, eh?), I have nothing but great things to say about him.


One thing though. I try not to give him extra dog treats. Talk about gas! WHEW!


Sorry. Just had to mention it. Heh, heh.


Navy Chief

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Why does a three pound cat sound like a fifteen pound bowling ball at about midnight? And you have more than one? :blink:

Actually Chief I have my one old Tomcat Marty. He's going to be fourteen in May.

He's an insde cat who sleeps twenty hours a day.


I once had a cat that had a strong bond to me. She drove the family up the wall when I left for boot camp. My siter took this photo of her and it went with me to all my duty stations. Had her for nineteen years and was crushed when I lost her.

Oh yeah, all the Sailors and Marines will love her name... Four Oh.


Edited by firehawkordy

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