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ok i have a few questions bout some of the terrains out there as used in SF2 series.

1 is there a limit to how many terrians one can load in the mods folder without compromising game performance?

2 downloaded Wrench's Southern California terrian and it kicks ass for fighting. However i was wondering if there was a way to convert it to more like real life so i can run training and testing there instead of getting smoked by zues23's 10 miles from home plateyikes.gif or should i have d/l anearlier version for that?


3 is there any way to change the FM's on the AI birds to compensate for mountains? i have been finding my self losing wingmen quite a bit to mountainsides since downloading that terrain. might not help that i like flyin in the weeds and rocks. those pesky migs and sams dont seem to like it there but niether do wingmen.


also have a question bout the ww2 europe terrain but want to do a bit more research before i ask and get told to look in the KBgrin.gif

as always thanks for the help

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1# No, but its never good you fill your game with tons of mods.

2# well, you can remove all ZSU's from your ground object folder , or remove them via terrain_Targets.ini.

3# AFAIK, no because that has to do with game code itself, the AI is dumb by definition :grin: the best you can do is pray and scream to your wingies don't hit the mountain.


well, i hope i was usefull and if i said something wrong , somebody please correct it :)

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Hi there,


Waay back in the day, Bunyap built a Test Range terrain for SFP1/WoV/WoE. Grab it here:-




This is set up so that you can fly practice missions only, without enemy air interference.


It should give you a guide as to how to set up SoCal terrain as a purely test range terrain.


It may be as simple as opening up the terrain_TARGETS.INI file and batch converting all the "ENEMY" entries to "FRIENDLY" (Use find/replace in wordpad).


But you may also need to move the frontline in the terrain_MOVEMENT.INI file in order to create a practice range with enemy ground targets. I think your test range would also have to be defined as "ENEMY" in the targets.ini.


The important thing is to have NO enemy airbases. That means you can only fly blue-side birds on the terrain, though.


These are only suggestions, I haven't looked at how to do it properly myself. I have had requests to make my UK terrain Blue-flyable only for training purposes, and I may get around to it someday. But that is how I would go about it, I think.


Good luck,



Edited by Baltika

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thanks for the responses guys. i guess i could do different installs for the different terrians and eras im working with like an attempt at a WOE 1948 with the B-29 and F-80s. as for the SoCal thanks for the tip Baltika. I downloaded SoCal specifically cause my wife is from San Diego and want to see if she pays attn when i blast outta Miramar in a Phantom or Tomcat(prob not). and Silverbolt as for the wingmen been there done that with the screaming. I guess i get to see Darwin in actionlol.gif


thanks again for the responses guys. now i just gotta figure out how to redo Europe WW2 so its set in the late 40's early 50's and im fighting russians not nazis



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SB is wrong in one respect ... the ZSU are classed as "MOBILE_AAA", so anywhere there's a callout in the targets ini for "AAA" the Game Engine ™ will populate that space with whatever kind of unit is era-approiate, so editating the targets and types ini will ONLY work if there's no enemy side.


To the best of my Knowledge, there is NO limit, other than HD space as to how many terrains can be loaded (or insalled). My "all is everything" 08 WoE install has over 25 terrains, with no issues. I'm reasonably certain NextGen sims will work just as well.


Originally, SoCal is EXACTLY as you described .. in fact, it comes from the realllllllllllly old "Top Gun" mod. Having those SAM batteries in Palmdale sure plays hell when climbing out of LAX, huh??


You want practice terrains, just like Balika said, get the 2 Range Terrains -there's a Blue and Red version. Since there's no 'enemy' airfields, there's no place for E/A to spawn, so you can have a nice quite practice session. Also, there's the "Empty Desert" terrain I uploaded last month ... a completly stripped out stock desert map, with only 1 airfield for each side (but no real targets of value, excpeting those at the respective airbases)


As to the WW2 Euro map, that's completely unsuitable to "CWGH-1947" scenarios. However, there is a modern version of it around someplace; look for EAWEuro. But, again, that terrain has some serious issues -not the least of which are the target areas, water effects (needs new water tiles with working alpha channels for the effects), placement of airbases with trees and TOD building growing out of them. In short, it needs a major rebuild from the ground up. Usable? Sure, if you overlook some things.


As to adjusting AI altitude response, you can change that in the MissionControl.ini, found in one of the cats in the /Flight folder. This is a VERY old fix from like 04 or 05 ....


After extraction, look for this section (I disremember if this one is modded or stock...)









Numbers are meters AGL; adjust to your heart's content.



kevin stein

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SB is wrong in one respect ... the ZSU are classed as "MOBILE_AAA", so anywhere there's a callout in the targets ini for "AAA" the Game Engine ™ will populate that space with whatever kind of unit is era-approiate, so editating the targets and types ini will ONLY work if there's no enemy side.


To the best of my Knowledge, there is NO limit, other than HD space as to how many terrains can be loaded (or insalled). My "all is everything" 08 WoE install has over 25 terrains, with no issues. I'm reasonably certain NextGen sims will work just as well.


Originally, SoCal is EXACTLY as you described .. in fact, it comes from the realllllllllllly old "Top Gun" mod. Having those SAM batteries in Palmdale sure plays hell when climbing out of LAX, huh??


You want practice terrains, just like Balika said, get the 2 Range Terrains -there's a Blue and Red version. Since there's no 'enemy' airfields, there's no place for E/A to spawn, so you can have a nice quite practice session. Also, there's the "Empty Desert" terrain I uploaded last month ... a completly stripped out stock desert map, with only 1 airfield for each side (but no real targets of value, excpeting those at the respective airbases)


As to the WW2 Euro map, that's completely unsuitable to "CWGH-1947" scenarios. However, there is a modern version of it around someplace; look for EAWEuro. But, again, that terrain has some serious issues -not the least of which are the target areas, water effects (needs new water tiles with working alpha channels for the effects), placement of airbases with trees and TOD building growing out of them. In short, it needs a major rebuild from the ground up. Usable? Sure, if you overlook some things.


As to adjusting AI altitude response, you can change that in the MissionControl.ini, found in one of the cats in the /Flight folder. This is a VERY old fix from like 04 or 05 ....


After extraction, look for this section (I disremember if this one is modded or stock...)









Numbers are meters AGL; adjust to your heart's content.



kevin stein


Hi, I've been here less than 4 months I guess, yet, I found most of not all Wrench's elaborations re any 'mishaps' or questions on certain issues entertaining. Yes, entertaining! Only fools ignores what he has explained. I do not mean to belittle other senior (experience-wise in modding/skinning) modders/skinners in our community here. I do not mind either his, sometimes -- at least what I found to be, I may be wrong) his 'sarcasm' -- is it the correct word? Keep up the great mods Wrench! I have copied lots of his replies even to others......Thanks Wrench. I am looking forward to seeing your future 'damage' for the Egyptian F-16 I downloaded here, should u have the time to do it.

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