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Guest Tazkiller

Re-Working Korean Terrains

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Guest Tazkiller

Opinions Please!!!!!!!!!!!











Is their anyone out there that has developed a better set of raviments using sandbags like used in the Korean War



Edited by Tazkiller

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Which Korea terrain are you tweeking? The Old One? I might have some things for you to work with...as in the uncompleted rebuild of the original terrain.


Have you looked at the "Expeditionary Airfield"? I recall stacks of sandbags; disremember if their seperate objects like the blast defelctor, that can be placed singely or a "whole unit"


Also, look in ODS at the 'firebase' thingys...lots of sandbags there



kevin stein

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Guest Tazkiller

Which Korea terrain are you tweeking? The Old One? I might have some things for you to work with...as in the uncompleted rebuild of the original terrain.


Have you looked at the "Expeditionary Airfield"? I recall stacks of sandbags; disremember if their seperate objects like the blast defelctor, that can be placed singely or a "whole unit"


Also, look in ODS at the 'firebase' thingys...lots of sandbags there



kevin stein



Well dear friend Mr. Wrench; got the idea from ur wonderful Okiniwa work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And to answer ur question; I'm working with Edward's Korean Winter-Payware.


Would love to help in any way possible on any of ur efforts.

Edited by Tazkiller

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Hmm... I forsee a small problem. YOU can mod a payware item for personal use(example: new skins for Raz's or Diego's aircraft, YAP), but you can't release the WHOLE mod; which in a terrains' case would be the critical files (HFD, TFD, tiles, objects, etc). Ini mods SHOULD be OK; with the inclusion of any NEW-ish items. But, I'd have to hear a ruling from the Admins on that one.


Even my Original Korea Winter (from 04) has had some slight changes, but I haven't touched it since 6/08. Looking at the various inis, in particular the data ini, also looks like the sea sea/land transition tiles need new alpha channels for working water, and data ini edits to 'turn on the water effects' (at least in 06+ levels), and switching from the bmp to tgas for the water tiles.


Concievebly, for 08 and SF2, you should be able to combine the 2 tilesets and create the 'seasons' (ok, springsummerfall and winter) with main ini edits. Of course, that creates the issue with aircraf that don't want to fly...


But doable, doable.


let me know if you want that unfinished terrain. I haven't looked at it in so long, I don't remember WHERE I left off at...



kevin stein


Edit: don't forget af5barackb is a Quonset Hut

Edited by Wrench

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Guest Tazkiller

Hmm... I forsee a small problem. YOU can mod a payware item for personal use(example: new skins for Raz's or Diego's aircraft, YAP), but you can't release the WHOLE mod; which in a terrains' case would be the critical files (HFD, TFD, tiles, objects, etc). Ini mods SHOULD be OK; with the inclusion of any NEW-ish items. But, I'd have to hear a ruling from the Admins on that one.


Even my Original Korea Winter (from 04) has had some slight changes, but I haven't touched it since 6/08. Looking at the various inis, in particular the data ini, also looks like the sea sea/land transition tiles need new alpha channels for working water, and data ini edits to 'turn on the water effects' (at least in 06+ levels), and switching from the bmp to tgas for the water tiles.


Concievebly, for 08 and SF2, you should be able to combine the 2 tilesets and create the 'seasons' (ok, springsummerfall and winter) with main ini edits. Of course, that creates the issue with aircraf that don't want to fly...


But doable, doable.


let me know if you want that unfinished terrain. I haven't looked at it in so long, I don't remember WHERE I left off at...



kevin stein


Edit: don't forget af5barackb is a Quonset Hut



Would be an honor to fly over ur Korean terrain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Tazkiller




More believeable Control Tower





Hanger? Would something else would fit better!




More believable structures?




Improvement? Blast shilds replaced!








But they are in the wrong place!!!!!




Gone are the metal reviments.




What are these and how do i rid these sand piles?



With all the talent out there is there someone that could assist me?



Edited by Tazkiller

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I still have to get that old unfinished version of the terrainto you ... remember, it ain't got no 'really' working water for 08 Classic or SF2 NextGens. Needs MAJOR retiling, or rebuilding of the existing sea/land/other water tiles to add better alpha channels.


Those sand berm thingy's are called "Shelter2" the other one like that, with a camo net over the top is "Shelter3". You'll probably want to edit the types ini, and give them a target value of 0, cause it takes like 3-5 2000#s to kill 'em.

Another thing to do with them, as I've done on a lot of the WW2 maps, is just replace them with some of Stary's hangars. They'll need resetting of course. If you use the one with the open door, you can add parked planes there as well; either the existing statics (which is more for WW2) or add parking slots in the airfields data ini, and let the game generate them. Just remember you might not be able to fit a B-52 in there, so make them for 'small' parking slots.


For your Pit1s that are extended over the ramp onto the grass, decrease the offset. It "should" be the second number, assuming you just replaced the existing blast shields. The reason in the 0/0 point of the pit is IN the exact center of the pit. Make sure you have your HUDData.ini set to Debug=TRUE to get the exact offset numbers


Meaning, data taken from a Runway1 layout....







518.60, is the distance north/south of the center of target area (the 0/0 point)


-145.70 is the distance east/west of the 0/0 point. Decrease this distance to move it "in" so the back wall matches the concret/grass parting line.


All distances are in meters. This is where having the Debug on REALLLY comes in handy. You can zoom in, and using the "cross mark" measure exact distances from the center to the back wall, and subract the difference.



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Guest Tazkiller

A little more Korean like?



















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Somebody hasn't looked at this thread in the Knowledge Base ...




Albeit a few months behind recent releases, still might be a worthwhile read!



I just wish Zur would cut the mesh for canopy and activate it on his Sabres ... I'd like to see it open on the early versions.


Those A's need more serial/BuzzNumber decals ... have for years!! Hell, they've only got 15, when 18 is minuimum required by the Game Engine ™. Simple fix: rename the numberslist.ini to xnumberlist.ini, and they'll cycle back through

Also, some still are missing the ***000.tga; any decal that's still named FNum and SNum needs to be rename with the 000 added, otherwise it throws ALL the following numbers off.



kevin stein

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Look amazing, some more trees on those hills will be really great too

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Woah, I knew there was a reason I bought this sim. That's a gigantic list. I will have tons of fun. But part of the value of having a forum is to be able to ask efficient questions of the experts that reside here. The answer to my question then was "yes, and this is where you find them..." Let me tell you, I am a reference librarian and someone asked me for an overview of Tuberculosis today. I got up from the desk and showed them to the medical reference section. Cracked open an encyclopedia and looked it up for them. That's what I get paid for. I could have just pointed and said, "over there," but our RC medical numbers in LC are almost two rows long. Most of the time newbies are just asking for directions or some pointers along the way. I know, everyone gets tired of questions. It's not like I asked where was the bathroom, is it?


Thanks all the same. I'm ready for the holiday.



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WHAT!!!!????? We have a bathroom here??? .....

walks off mumbling to self....jeezzz I'm on the frakking STAFF here and nobody tells me nothing....



Reference librarian huh? Well, that's pretty much what Dave brought ME on staff for, to 'try and keep KB up to date'. (albeit I'm falling down on the job a bit...)

I feel your pain brother!!!



kevin stein

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Guest Eject

Hmm... I forsee a small problem. YOU can mod a payware item for personal use(example: new skins for Raz's or Diego's aircraft, YAP), but you can't release the WHOLE mod; which in a terrains' case would be the critical files (HFD, TFD, tiles, objects, etc). Ini mods SHOULD be OK; with the inclusion of any NEW-ish items. But, I'd have to hear a ruling from the Admins on that one.


Even my Original Korea Winter (from 04) has had some slight changes, but I haven't touched it since 6/08. Looking at the various inis, in particular the data ini, also looks like the sea sea/land transition tiles need new alpha channels for working water, and data ini edits to 'turn on the water effects' (at least in 06+ levels), and switching from the bmp to tgas for the water tiles.


Concievebly, for 08 and SF2, you should be able to combine the 2 tilesets and create the 'seasons' (ok, springsummerfall and winter) with main ini edits. Of course, that creates the issue with aircraf that don't want to fly...


But doable, doable.


let me know if you want that unfinished terrain. I haven't looked at it in so long, I don't remember WHERE I left off at...



kevin stein


Edit: don't forget af5barackb is a Quonset Hut


Wrench and modder of the above Korean Terr. For ur info guys, I DL this last night, the SEA looks super. Yet, saw no RunWay on both sides, so I C/P (copy/paste) my previous DL from here on Hi-Res Runway by I forgot who. Works cery well!


Problem, the air base or the Runway still lacks hangars, ammo bunkers, static birds. I believe Wrench can help me how to add those missing, necessary stuffs. Thank u Wrench

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Thanks Wrench. I appreciate the support so right back at you... The KB here is massive and it grows every day. I think a nice feature would be to extract important elements for the long lists of posts under a topic and reindex them somehow. That would take a ton of work and time that we don't really have, I know. But the WIP threads and others that have an updated list on the last post page is a good start. Lets build on that. By the way, I don't think I have enough room for a Korea install but maybe I can add another external drive? All the folders have to be under the same drive right?



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The games run fine from an external; before I zipped them up for storage (9-12 full installs), I moved a few over and tested. Seem to have slightly longer loading times, but I didn't notice any differences during actual play. You SERIOUSLY gotta love USB externals...even if only used for backups & storage. Another major advantage is the 'plug and play' ... you can take it and hook to another machine. Heck, I think FastCargo is even using a memory stick (albeit a large one) with his laptop when he travels.


I saw a 250gig at NewEgg for about 100 bucks; that's the size of my INTERNAL!!!


Basically, what you'd do is the same as my instructions for creating an "Era Specific Install"; except FIRST you'd copy/paste the ENTIRE original WoE, the reccomended version, if talking TOS games, over to the external (lets call it the E Drive, that's what mine is)

Now the only major thing to be aware of is the MAJOR differences in how the older flight models are handled with the 08 patch vs the 06 patch. This is expecially true for a Korean Era, with it's mulitude of prop-planes,and many early jets, that aren't or haven't been data ini tweeked for 08 levels. Meaning: prop fly really squiffy (pun intended!) if you push them like most people do.


One could do an fresh install of WoE TO the external (as long as there's at least one on your main HD, all the games need is one registry entry), patch to 06 (if you don't mind the FM oddities), and THEN remove all the non-era specifc items as per the ESI instructions, install the various and sundry aircraft, ground objects, terrains and whatnot.

Create a new shortcut on you desktop, or in your desktop "Games" folder -that's what I do as I like a clean desktop- and off ya go! I've even got a "KAW"* shortcut icon that I made (might even be in my Desktop Icons pak here at CA someplace; I know it's at my site), so you know which one you're clicking!



kevin stein


*=Korean Air War

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Forgot to mention....


You'll probably want to move the various control towers OUT of the middle of the field -they've been placed WRONG since Day 1 in SFP:1. No airfield designer in their right mind puts the tower right next to the active runway. Just look at Real Life ™ airports....it's always off to one side or the other


Assuming the 3W North/South Standard Headings ™

For runway 1,5,6 use this offset:






For runway 2 use this offset:






For runway 3 use this offset:






NOTE: if the runway headings are anything OTHER than 0 (ie: pure North), they'll need to be rotated BACK to north, the tower's offset adjusted, then rotated BACK to the original positions. It's really important to take notice of which way they're facing, or the tower will wind up in all sorts of odd places.


I haven't replotted runway 4, as it's fairly OK in its existing position on the infeld between the 2 crossing runways



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Cool stuff. A usb drive might be on the Christmas list.



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Guest Eject

Cool stuff. A usb drive might be on the Christmas list.




I once read briefly at www.bhineka.com, the On-Line PC, Laptops/NoteBooks et cetera in Jakarta, Indonesia, about a coming NEW USB3 that has a max capacity of, if I remember correctly, ONE TerraByte!!! It is no cheap anyway even by American standard.


It's a good site, give it a try. Saw as well the new HP Notebook, 15 something inches TFT screen (energy saving), with a standard of 4MB Memory/RAM, and a max upgrade to 8MB, with a standard of 1GB standalone Mem for graphic. The HDD is 500Gigs. Not very expensive for those who make USD 5K a month

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Hmmm, me likey! We need a new laptop at hom ebut not sure I'll swing it with the missus. ;)




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Guest Tazkiller



Suwon AB; South Korea
















Opinions Please!!!

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Guest Tazkiller

A New Kimpo AB


















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Tazkiller, this looks great. Thanks for all your time and effort towards making a more enjoyable Korean War experience!

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Guest Tazkiller

Works equally well with ant terrain variant for Korea.



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