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For Anyone Still Interested In A UBI CFS3 DVD

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I stumbled on a post in here from Polovski (Thanks Pol) mentioning Mediadis.com as a possible source of the UBIsoft DVD version of CFS3. Although they're completely sold out of the English version, you can still order the French-Dutch version. I ordered one which cost me 20 dollars Canadian, including shipping which took exactly one week.


Used the DVD during the installation of OFF onto Windows 7 Ultimate 32Bit. Works like a charm if all you're looking to do is pull the necessary files off it during an install of BHAH and get around having to have a disk in the optical drive during gameplay.


I think you may just have to learn how to speak some foreign languages if you wanna' use it for some of the other CFS3 mods.......dunno for sure.


Just figured I'd throw out a heads-up. Link to the product below....











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I stumbled on a post in here from Polovski (Thanks Pol) mentioning Mediadis.com as a possible source of the UBIsoft DVD version of CFS3. Although they're completely sold out of the English version, you can still order the French-Dutch version. I ordered one which cost me 20 dollars Canadian, including shipping which took exactly one week.


Used the DVD during the installation of OFF onto Windows 7 Ultimate 32Bit. Works like a charm if all you're looking to do is pull the necessary files off it during an install of BHAH and get around having to have a disk in the optical drive during gameplay.


I think you may just have to learn how to speak some foreign languages if you wanna' use it for some of the other CFS3 mods.......dunno for sure.


Just figured I'd throw out a heads-up. Link to the product below....















I'm a little miffed with that site seeing as they gladly accepted payment before giving a tracking link that shows none in stock. At no point prior to ordering could I see anything saying they didn't have any. Ah well, live and learn.

Edited by GwynO

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I'm a little miffed with that site seeing as they gladly accepted payment before giving a tracking link that shows none in stock. At no point prior to ordering could I see anything saying they didn't have any. Ah well, live and learn.



Hmmm......if you attempted to order the English version, I can understand why they are out of stock. I clearly indicated that in my initial post though. Here's yet another link showing the other language versions as being IN stock. http://www.mediadis.com/games/search.asp?t=19&kw=combat%20flight%20simulator%203


Hopefully it's not inaccurate. If it is, sorry for any inconvenience it caused.





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Hmmm......if you attempted to order the English version, I can understand why they are out of stock. I clearly indicated that in my initial post though. Here's yet another link showing the other language versions as being IN stock. http://www.mediadis....20simulator%203


Hopefully it's not inaccurate. If it is, sorry for any inconvenience it caused.






I'm confused, I thought I had ordered the English version, but in the order tracking screen it shoes the one that is available, DVD in FR/NL but says none in stock, none dispatched. this.gif

Edit: It must have been the FR/NL version because the price was €9.99

Edited by GwynO

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