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Devs... about the BE2

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Been talking in another thread about the different AIs used in game and has come up that the reason BE2s act so strangely in OFF is that they are set to Level Bomber AI.


In OFF BE2s just fly in a straight line as if they have a rear gunner... Reality was very different. The BE2 had a fixed front firing machine gun and was designed to be manueverd to fire it, basically in real life they would dog fight... not just sit there.


Obviously they wouldnt hold up for long but they would certainly throw themselves about as much as possible trying to get a shot.


Now I assume the odd suicidal snoozing of OFF BE2s is down to the limitations of CFS3


What would the implications be of setting it as tactical_bomber or fighter_bomber


I have noticed that single seat Strutters dogfight perfectly and bomb perfectly so why not BE2s? (I think strutters are set to tactical?)

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All the German bombers I've come across so far fight like fury, more so than the Halbs, which all seem to be flown by sprogs.


I seem to remember the Fe2s carrying on like nothing was happening, though at least they have gunners who fire back. I use the same tactic myself though and maintain course, giving the flight's gunners the best option for defence. I sure wouldn't do it in a Be2 though.

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