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OT: The 10 biggest misconceptions

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Hmm - I didn't. Thanks for clearing that up, Wels.

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clapping.gif My misconceptions : Not in any order


1. Disco would last fovever


2. I can do that later.


3. My 2nd wife said "Oh I can eat anything and never put on weight"


4. I would be Rich someday


5. Its easy to fly full DID in OFF.


6. When My 1st wife said " I like to save money not spend it. "


7. BY going to Las Vegas, Nv. I would win money at the gameing tables.


8. I can dance


9. That I always knew what I was doing.


10. When my prom date and steady girl friend said " Oh honey I never did this before.



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Well there are other misconceptions like:


1. It's sunny today, i' ll fix the car's starter tomorrow .. (then lying in a puddle with cold water running down my neck) - ok stole this from "I'll do that later"

2. I would be rich some day (ok, stole that but still).

3. Politicians know what they're doing.

4. Big industrial leaders want their workers to improve, and are not greedy after they made their first 3 millions.

5. I would feel completely else when married.

6. I would all be "somehow better" regarding point 4.

7. Technics and mechanics really improve (in a way it is better for the CUSTOMER)

8. I will once have a job i love.

9. I will always have a job.

10. I switched the right fuse to off before fumbling with the electrial socket.


Those 10 points came out without thinking, and i guess i could point out some further 100s with ease lol. However when it comes to history and WW1, i really had so much misconceptions that it would fill up this forum ..




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Hahaha!!! Good ones, Carrick!

I will not try to get ten together now, but one of my "most famous" ones was:


"When I become self-employed, I will be able to reign about my time."

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Don't agree with No 6, the plug hole circling in the same direction.


Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor tried it out on their motorcycle trip The Long Way Down when they crossed the equator, & it did change direction as I recall.

Edited by Flyby PC

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