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Fighting Eindeckers in the Airco DH 2

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"Krauts & Crumpets" had to stay grounded today, due to terrible wheather.

I mean REALLY terrible wheather, cause we had bad wheather most of the time in Nov 1916.


So I decided to fly a fighter I haven't used yet. First thought of the N 17, but somehow I landed

with the Airco DH 2. And in the early 1916, when there are no other fighters around (in BHaH)

than the Fokker E III Eindecker, it is great fun and feels very safe to fly.


The craft is a bit sensitive for side wind. It is yet underpowered, and so it isn't good at turning

with a hard bank and the elevator; it prefers a medium bank plus rudder.

Flying in a British Squadron was fun. I wasn't lead there, although that is chosen in 'workshop' -

everything is a little different under the Union Jack.

But flying with Lanoe Hawker (with 24 RFC that is), I didn't really expect that anyway.


On our second sortie, we came across a flight of Rolands, which tried to kill one of our spotters.

Although the Rolands where acting very agile, I shot one up badly (it was killed by Lanoe though).

Just when it was nice, a flight of Eindeckers appeared, led by Rudolf Berthold, with more aces in

that Staffel. I shot Berthold to pieces (or at least his wing warper), but then another ace damaged

my kite, so I had to land.

Aiming and shooting are phantastic with that free forward look. I had a gun jam, but could clear it.

I had started it as a campaign, and I will continue it. Next craft we get will be the Sopwith Pup.

Should also be fun!

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How did you figure out how the fly with the aces?

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Av8er, when you switch on "Labels", all aircraft have their type named as a text line.

The craft with aces in, have that plus the name of the ace.

Like: "Fokker EIII Rudolf Berthold" or similar.


Find out how Labels get switched on by pressing "escape", then go to "controls" in the menue.

Mine are on the key "Q", but I'm not sure if that is the default key.

Edited by Olham

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